Beatrice Hand Village (HV) at APSU

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1Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM)
2Beatrice Hand Village (HV)
3Blount Hall (BH)
4Browning Administration Building (BR)
5Castle Heights (CH)
6Catherine Evans Harvill Building (CEH)
7Claxton (CX)
8Clement (CL)
9Ellington (EL)
10Emerald Hill (apartments) (EH)
11Foy Fitness and Recreation Center (REC)
12Governors Terrace North (GTN)
13Governors Terrace South (GTS)
14Harned Hall (HH)
15Harvill Hall (HVH)
16Hemlock Semiconductor Building (HSC)
17Kimbrough (KB)
18Library (Felix Woodward Library) (LB)
19Marks Building (MX)
20Martha Dickerson Eriksson Residence Hall (MDERH)
21Maynard Mathematics and Computer Science (MMCS)
22McCord Building (MC)
23McReynolds (MCR)
24Meacham Apartments (MA)
25Memorial Health (Red Barn) (MH)
26Miller Hall (ML)
27Morgan University Center (MUC)
28Music/Mass Communication Building (MMC)
29Pace Alumni Center at Emerald Hill (PAC)
30Power Plant (PP)
31Sevier Hall (SVH)
32Sexton Building (SX)
33Shasteen Building (SH)
34Sundquist Science Complex Building (SSC)
35Tennis Center (TC)
36Trahern (TR)
37Winfield Dunn Center (DU)

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