Central Heating and Cooling Plants at BYU

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1Abraham O. Smoot Administration Building (ASB)
3Allen Hall (Museum of Peoples and Cultures) (ALLN)
4Amanda Knight Hall (AKH)
5Auxiliary Services Maintenance Building (AXMB)
6B-34, B-38, B-41, B-51 (B34)
7Benson Building
8Bertrand F. Harrison Arboretum and Botany Pond
9Blue Line Deli & Market
10Brimhall Building (BRMB)
11BYU Bookstore (WSC)
12BYU Broadcast Building
13BYU Broadcasting (BYUB)
14BYU Conference Center (CONF)
15BYU Tickets
16Carl F. Eyring Science Center (ESC)
17Caroline Hemenway Harman Bldg. (Cont. Ed.) (HCEB)
18Centennial Carillon Tower (BELL)
19Central Heating and Cooling Plants
20Chemicals Management Building (CMB)
21Classroom / Lab Building (B66)
22Clyde Building
23Cougar Eat
24Cougar Marching Band Hall
25Cougar Room, LaVell Edwards Stadium
26Cougar Room, Marriott Center
27Crabtree Building
28Creamery on Ninth East (CONE)
29Creamery Outlet
30Culinary Support Center (CSC)
31Daniel H. Wells Building (Air Force / Army Reserve) (ROTC)
32David O. McKay Building (MCKB)
33Deseret Towers Recreation Area
34Ernest L. Wilkinson Student Center (WSC)
35ESC Weather Center
36Ezra Taft Benson Building (BNSN)
37Faculty Office Building (FOB)
38Financial Aid / Scholarships
39Foreign Language Student Residence (FLSR)
40Former Presidents' Home (FPH)
41Franklin S. Harris Fine Arts Center (HFAC)
42Games Center
43George Albert Smith Fieldhouse (SFH)
44George H. Brimhall Building (BRMB)
45Grounds Office (PPGO)
46Harold B. Lee Library (HBLL)
47Harris Fine Arts Center
48Harvey Fletcher Building (FB)
49Haws Field (HAWF)
50Heber J. Grant Building (HGB)
51Helaman Creamery
52Helaman Halls
53Helaman Halls - Budge Hall (HLG)
54Helaman Halls - Building 9 (HLJ)
55Helaman Halls - Chipman Hall (HLC)
56Helaman Halls - David John Hall (HLD)
57Helaman Halls - Hinckley Hall (HLB)
58Helaman Halls - May Hall (HLI)
59Helaman Halls - Merrill Hall (HLH)
60Helaman Halls - Stover Hall (HLF)
61Helaman Halls - Taylor Hall (HLE)
62Helaman Halls and Cannon Center (HL CANC)
63Helaman Recreation Area (HLRA)
64Herald R. Clark Building (HRCB)
65Heritage Halls
66Heritage Halls - Broadbent Hall (HR02)
67Heritage Halls - Building 25 (HR25)
68Heritage Halls - Building 26 (HR26)
69Heritage Halls - Building 27 (HR27)
70Heritage Halls - Building 28 (HR28)
71Heritage Halls - Building 29 (HR29)
72Heritage Halls - Building 30 (HR30)
73Heritage Halls - Felt Hall (HR03)
74Heritage Halls - Fox Hall (HR04)
75Heritage Halls - Harris Hall (HR06)
76Heritage Halls and Central Building (HR HRCN)
77Hinckley Alumni and Visitors Center (HC)
78Howard S. McDonald Building (MB)
79ID Center Line Conditions
80Indoor Practice Facility (IPF)
81Indoor Tennis Courts
82Information Center
83Information Technology Building (ITB)
84International Cinema
85Intramural Recreation Area (West Stadium)
86Intramural West Recreation Area (IWRA)
87J. Reuben Clark Building (Law School) (JRCB)
88J. Willard Marriott Center (MC)
89Jamba Juice (SAB) (SAB)
90Jamba Juice (WSC) (WSC)
91Jesse Knight Building (JKB)
92John A. Widtsoe Building (WIDB)
93John Taylor Building (Comprehensive Clinic) (TLRB)
94Joseph F. Smith Building (JFSB)
95Joseph F. Smith Building Parking Garage (JFSG)
96Joseph K. Nicholes Building (NICB)
97Joseph Smith Building (JSB)
98Karl G. Maeser Building (MSRB)
99Kimball Tower (SWKT)
100Laundry Building, Auxiliary Services (AXLB)
101LaVell Edwards Stadium (LVES)
102LDS Philanthropies Office Building (LDSP)
103Legends Grille
104Leo B. Ellsworth Building (ELLB)
105Life Science Museum
106Marriott Center
107Martin Building
108Maxwell Institute (B49)
109Miller Park (Baseball / Softball Complex) (MLRP)
110Missionary Training Center (MTC)
111MOA Cafe
112Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum (MLBM)
113Morris Center (MORC)
114Motor Pool Vehicle Shelter (PPMV)
115Museum of Art (MOA)
116Museum of Paleontology (MP)
117N. Eldon Tanner Building (TNRB)
118Nicholes Building
119Northeast Fields (NEF)
120Orville & Wilbur's
121Outdoor Tennis Courts (TCF)
122Outdoors Unlimited
124Records / Registration
125Richards Building Fields (RBF)
126Roland A. Crabtree Technology Building (CTB)
127Sam F. Brewster Building (BRWB)
128Service Buildings (B67)
129SFH Weight Room Conditions
131Smith Fieldhouse
132Smith Fieldhouse South Field (SFLD)
133South Campus Construction
134Spencer W. Kimball Tower (SWKT)
135Stephen L. Richards Building (RB)
136Student Athlete Building (SAB)
137Talmage Math Sciences / Computer Building (TMCB)
138Tanner Building
139Taylor Building
140Tennis Court Building (TCB)
141Testing Center Line Conditions
142The Commons at the Cannon Center
143Thomas L. Martin Building (MARB)
144Track and Field Complex (TRAK)
145University Parkway Center (UPC)
146Varsity Theater
147W. W. Clyde Engineering Building (CB)
148Widtsoe Building
149Wilkinson Student Center (WSC)
150William H. Snell Building (SNLB)
151Wymount Admin. Building
152Wymount Terrace Admin
153Wyview Creamery
154Wyview Park Housing

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