Art Building (ART) at Campbellsville University

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1Administration Building (AD)
2Admissions / Student Welcome Center (SWC)
3Alumni Building / Theater (AB)
4Art Building (ART)
5Art Gallery (AG)
6Badgett Academic Support Center (BASC)
7Bennett-Smith Nursing Building
8Broadcast Services, TV-4 and WLCU (BR)
9Broadway Hall (BH)
10Carter Hall (CH)
11Carver School of Social Work (SW)
12Center for International Education
13Counseling Office
14Davenport Student Commons (DC)
15Druien Hall (DH)
16E. Bruce Heilman Student Complex
17Education Building (EB)
18ESL Institute
19Financial Aid House (FAH)
20Gosser Fine Arts Center (GC)
21Gosser Gym (GG)
22Hawkins Athletic Complex (HC)
23Hord Field House (HFH)
24Indoor Practice Center (IPC)
25Meditation Chapel
26Montgomery Library (ML)
27North Hall (NH)
28Powell Athletic Center (AC)
29President's Home (The Betty Dobbins Heilman House)
30Ralph Laura Tesseneer International House
31Ransdell Chapel (RC)
32SAC (Student Activities Center)
33Shely Science Center (SB)
34South Hall (SH)
35Stapp Hall (ST)
36Student Services
37Technology Training Center (TTC)
38Tiger Baseball Field
39Tuggle Morris Wellness Center (WE)
40University Communications (CMH)
42Winters Dining Hall (WDH)

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