Power House (POWR) at CU-Boulder

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1Academic Advising Center - SIT (Students in Transition) (AAC)
2Aden Hall (Engineering Quad) (ADEN)
3Administrative and Research Center (East Campus) (ARCE)
4Andrews Hall (Kittredge Complex) (ANDS)
5Armory (ARMR)
6Arnett Hall (Kittredge Complex) (ARNT)
7Arts and Sciences Finance and Payroll Administration (FPA)
8Arts and Sciences Office Building 1 (OB1)
9Athens Court (ATCT)
10Athens North Hall (ATHN)
11ATLAS Center, Roser (Alliance for Technology, Learning, and Society) (ATLS)
12Baker Hall (BKER)
13Balch Fieldhouse (FH)
14Bear Creek Apartments (near Williams Village) (BCAP)
15Bear Creek Commons (Williams Village) (BCC)
16Benson Earth Sciences (BESC)
17Biotechnology Building, Jennie Smoly Caruthers (BIOT)
18Brackett Hall (Engineering Quad) (BRKT)
19Bruce Curtis Building (Museum Collections) (MCOL)
20Buckingham Hall (Kittredge Complex) (BUCK)
21Carlson Gymnasium (CARL)
22Center for Asian Studies (CAS)
23Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy (CASA)
24Center for Community (C4C)
25Charlotte York Irey Theatre (in University Theatre Building)
26Cheyenne Arapaho Hall (CHEY)
27Children's Center - Main Offices (DACR)
28CIRES (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences) (CIRE)
29Clare Small Arts and Sciences (CLRE)
30Cockerell Hall (Engineering Quad) (CKRL)
31Computing Center (COMP)
32Continuing Education Building (CEDU)
33Coors Events/Conference Center / Basketball-Volleyball Practice Facility (EVNT)
34Cristol Chemistry and Biochemistry (CHEM)
35Crosman Hall (Engineering Quad) (CROS)
36Dal Ward Athletic Center (DALW)
37Darley Commons (Williams Village) (DLYC)
38Darley Towers (Williams Village) (DLYT)
39Denison Arts and Sciences (DEN)
40Discovery Learning Center (DLC)
41Duane D-Wing (DDW)
42Duane Physics and Astrophysics (DUAN)
43Eaton Humanities Building (HUMN)
44Economics Building (ECON)
45Education Building (EDUC)
46Ekeley Sciences Building (EKLC)
47Engineering Center (EC)
48Environmental Design (ENVD)
49Environmental Health and Safety Center (EHSC)
50Euclid Avenue AutoPark (EPRK)
51Faculty Staff Court (FACT)
52Farrand Hall (FRND)
53Fiske Planetarium and Science Center (FISK)
54Fleming Building (FLMG)
55Folsom Field
56Gamow Tower (in Duane Physics and Astrophysics)
57Gates Woodruff Women's Studies Cottage (COTT)
58Gold Biosciences Building (MCD Biology) (GOLD)
59Grounds and Service Center (GRNS)
60Guggenheim Geography (GUGG)
61Hale Science (HALE)
62Hallett Hall (HLET)
63Health Physics Laboratory (HPHY)
64Hellems Arts and Sciences (includes Mary Rippon Outdoor Theatre) (HLMS)
65Henderson Building (Museum of Natural History) (HEND)
66Housing System Maintenance Center (HSMC)
67Housing System Service Center (HSSC)
68Imig Music Building (MUS)
69Institute for Behavioral Genetics (IBG)
70Institute of Behavioral Science (IBS)
71Integrated Teaching and Learning Laboratory (ITLL)
72International English Center (IEC)
73Jennie Smoly Caruthers Biotechnology Building (see Biotechnology Building)
75Ketchum Arts and Sciences (KTCH)
76Kittredge Central Hall (Kittredge Complex) (KCEN)
77Kittredge West Hall (Kittredge Complex) (KITW)
78Koelbel Building (Leeds School of Business) (KOBL)
79Koenig Alumni Center (ALUM)
80LASP Space Technology Research Center (LSTR)
81Lesser House (LESS)
82Libby Hall (LIBY)
83Life Science Research Laboratory, RL4 (LSRL)
84MacAllister Research Center (MAC)
85Macky Auditorium (MCKY)
86Marine Court (MRCT)
87Marine Street Science Center, Research Laboratory, RL6 (MSSC)
88Mary Rippon Outdoor Theatre (at Hellems Arts and Sciences)
89Mathematics Building (MATH)
90McKenna Languages (MKNA)
91Muenzinger Psychology (MUEN)
92Newton Court (NTCT)
93Norlin Library (LIBR)
94Old Main (MAIN)
95Page Foundation Center (PFDC)
96Police and Parking Services (PDPS)
97Porter Biosciences (PORT)
98Power House (POWR)
99Ramaley Biology (RAMY)
100Reed Hall (REED)
101Regent Administrative Center (RGNT)
102Regent Drive AutoPark (RPRK)
103Research Laboratory, RL2 (RL2)
104Research Park Greenhouse (GH-3)
105Rose Litman Research Laboratory, RL1 (LITR)
106Roser ATLAS Center (see ATLAS Center)
107Science Learning Laboratory (SLL)
108Sewall Hall (SWLL)
109Smiley Court (SMCT)
110Smith Hall (Kittredge Complex) (SMTH)
111Sommers-Bausch Observatory (OBSV)
112Space Science (SPSC)
113Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences (SLHS)
114Stadium Building (STAD)
115Stadium Ticket Building (STTB)
116Stearns Towers (Williams Village) (STRN)
117Student Recreation Center (REC)
118Technology Learning Center (TLC)
119Temporary Building No. 1 (TB01)
120Transportation Center (TRAN)
121University Administrative Center and Annex (UCTR)
122University Club (CLUB)
123University Memorial Center (UMC)
124University Theatre Building (includes Charlotte York Irey Theatre) (THTR)
125Visual Arts Complex (VAC)
126Wardenburg Health Center (WARD)
127Willard Hall (WLRD)
128Williams Village North Hall (Williams Village) (WVN)
129Wolf Law Building (WLFL)
130Woodbury Arts and Sciences (WDBY)

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