Murphy Center at ECU

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1Administrative Support Annex
2Austin Building (A)
3Aycock Residence Hall
4Bate Building (GC)
5Belk Annex 1
6Belk Building (Allied Health) (AH)
7Blount House (ECU Police)
8Blount Recreational Sports Complex
9Bloxton House (Ledonia Wright Cultural Center)
10Brewster (Wing A) (BA)
11Brewster (Wing B) (BB)
12Brewster (Wing C) (BC)
13Brewster (Wing D) (BD)
14Brewster Building
15Building 123
16Building 127
17Building 141
18Building 158
19Building 159
20Building 165
21Building 172
22Building 189
23Building 198
24Building 215c
25Career Center
26Chancellor's Residence
27Christenbury Memorial Gymnasium (CH)
28Clark-LeClair Stadium
29Clement Residence Hall
30College Hill Suites
31Contache Building
32Cotton Residence Hall
34Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium
35Eller House (Maritime History) (EL)
36Environmental Health and Safety Building
37Erwin Building
38Facilities Administration
39Facilities Services Eppes Complex
40Facilities Services Grounds Complex
41Facilities Services Steam Plant
42Facilities Warehouse
43Faclities Annex
44Family Theraphy Clinic
45Financial Services Building
46Flanagan Building (F)
47Fleming Residence Hall
48Fletcher Music Center (MB)
49Fletcher Residence Hall
50Garett Residence Hall
51Graham Building (GR)
52Greene Residence Hall
53Greenville Center
54Harris Building
55Howard House
56Howell Science Complex (Biology, Physics) (B, PE)
57International House
58Irons Building (Developmental Evaluation Clinic) (CL)
59Jarvis Residence Hall
60Jenkins Fine Arts Center (J)
61Jones Residence Hall
62Joyner East
63Joyner Library (L)
64Mail Services
65Mamie Jenkins Building
66Maritime Conservation Lab
67McGinnis Theatre (MT)
68Mendenhall Student Center
69Messick Theatre Arts Center (TA)
70Minges Coliseum (Williams Arena) (MC)
71Murphy Center
72Old Cafeteria Complex (NC)
73Parking and Transportation Services
74Pirate Club Building Athletic Ticket Office
75Ragsdale Hall (RG)
76Rawl Annex
77Rawl Building (R)
78Redditt House
79Rivers Building (Human Environmental Sciences, Nursing) (HE, NB)
80Ross Place
81Scales Field House
82Science and Technology Building
83Scott Residence Hall
84Self - Help Building
85Slay Hall
86Speight Building (SP)
87Spilman Building
88Student Health Center
89Student Recreation Center
90Taylor-Slaughter Alumni Center
91Todd Dining Hall
92Tyler Residence
93Umstead Residence Hall
94Ward Guest House
95Ward Sports Medicine Building (SM)
96West End Dining Hall
97Whichard Building and Annex (WB)
98White Residence Hall
99Willis Building
100Wright Annex / Bookstore (WA)
101Wright Auditorium

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