Feuerwerker House (FWH) at HSU

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1Alder Hall (ALDER)
2Alistair McCrone Hall (AMH)
3Art A (ARTA)
4Art B (ARTB)
5Baiocchi House (BH)
6Balabanis Art Quad
7Balabanis House (BALH)
8Behavioral & Social Sciences (BSS)
9Bigfoot Burgers
10Boat Facility (BOAT)
12Brero House / ITEPP (BRH)
13Bret Harte House (BHH)
14Brookins House (BROOK / BROH)
15Buck House (CCAT) (BUCH)
16Campus Apartments (CA)
17Campus Events Field (CEF)
18Cedar Hall (CEDAR)
19Ceramics Lab (CERAM)
20Chinquapin Hall (CHINQU)
21College Creek Complex
22College Creek Field (CCF)
23College Creek Field Locker Rooms (CCFLR)
24College Creek Marketplace
25Community Center (CCCTR)
26Creekside Lounge (CREEKL)
27Creekview Complex
28Cypress Residence Hall (CYPRS)
29Del Norte Hall (DELNO)
30Dennis K. Walker Greenhouse (GNH / SCIE)
31Depot Food Court
32Experimental Greenhouse (GRNH)
33Facilities Management (FM)
34Fern Hall (FERN)
35Feuerwerker House (FWH)
37Fish Hatchery (FSH)
38Fishbowl (209)
39Forbes Gym (FGYM)
40Forestry Building (FR)
41Founders Hall (FH)
42Fulkerson Recital Hall (132)
43Gist Hall (GH)
44Goodwin Forum (102)
45Great Hall (260)
46Gutswurrak Student Activities Center (GSAC)
47Hadley House (HH)
48Hagopian House (HAH)
49Harry Griffith Hall (HGH)
50Hemlock Hall (HEMLC)
51Humboldt Softball Field
52Jenkins Hall (JH)
53Jensen House (Children's Center Office) (JENH)
54Jolly Giant Commons (JGC)
55Juniper Hall (JUNIP)
56Kinesiology & Athletics (KA)
57Laurel Hall (LAUREL)
58Library (LIB)
59Library Circle
60Little Apartments (LAPT)
61Lumberjack Arena
62Madrone Hall (MADRN)
63Maple Hall (MAPLE)
64Marine Wildlife Care Center (MWCC)
65Marketing and Communications (MCOM)
66Mary Warren House (MWH)
67Mattole Valley Charter School (MVCS)
68Mendocino Hall (MENDO)
69MultiCultural Center (MCC)
70Music A (MUSA)
71Music B (MUSB)
72Native American Forum
73Natural Resources (NR)
74Nelson Hall East (NHE)
75Nelson Hall West (NHW)
76Parking Lot 1 (General)
77Parking Lot 10 (Faculty)
78Parking Lot 11 (General)
79Parking Lot 12 (General)
80Parking Lot 13 (General)
81Parking Lot 14 (General)
82Parking Lot 15 (General)
83Parking Lot 16 (General)
84Parking Lot 2 (Resident)
85Parking Lot 29 (Faculty)
86Parking Lot 3 (Resident)
87Parking Lot 4 (Resident)
88Parking Lot 5 (Faculty)
89Parking Lot 6 (Faculty)
90Parking Lot 7 (Faculty)
91Parking Lot 8 (Resident)
92Parking Lot 9 (Faculty)
93Parking Services (PARC)
94Pepperwood Hall (PEPR)
95Plant Operations (PLANT)
96Recreation & Wellness Center (RWC)
97Redwood Bowl (RB)
98Redwood Hall (REDWOO)
99Redwood Plaza
100Redwood Sciences Lab
101Schatz Energy Research Center (SERC)
102Schmidt House (SCHMH)
103Science A (SCIA)
104Science B (SCIB)
105Science C (SCIC)
106Science D (SCID)
107Science E (SCIE)
108Sculpture Lab (SCLPT)
109Shasta Hall (SHAST)
110Shipping & Receiving (SR)
111Siemens Hall (SH)
112Student & Business Services (SBS)
113Student Health Center (HC)
114Student Recreation Center (SRC)
115Sunset Hall (SUNST)
116Swetman Child Development Lab (CDL)
117Tan Oak Hall (TANOK)
118Telonicher House (TH)
119The Canyon
120The Hill
121Theatre Arts (TA)
122Toddler Center (TOD)
123Trinity Early Learning Center (TELC)
124Trinity Residence Hall (TRIN)
125University Center (UC)
126University Quad
127Upper Playing Field (UPF)
128Van Duzer Theatre (JVD)
129Van Matre Hall (VMH)
130Vertebrate Museum
131Visitors & Welcome Center
132Wagner House (WAGH)
133Walter Warren House (INRSEP) (WWH)
134Warren House (WH)
135West Gym
136Wildlife & Fisheries (WDFS)
137Wildlife Facilities & Game Pens (WGP)
138Willow Hall (WILLO)

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