Music Practice Building (P) at IU

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1618 E 3rd St (PJ)
2814 E. 3rd St. (KD)
3825 E. 8th St. (WE)
4Admissions Office (OA)
5Alpha Chi Omega
6Alpha Delta Pi
7Alpha Epsilon Phi
8Alpha Epsilon Pi
9Alpha Gamma Delta
10Alpha Omicron Pi
11Alpha Phi
12Alpha Tau Omega
13Alpha Xi Delta
14Alumni Center, Virgil T. DeVault (AM)
15American Historical Review
16American Indian Studies Research Institute (AG)
17Andy Mohr Softball Field (SC)
18Anthropology Annex, 701 E. 8th St (AN)
20Arboretum Gazebo (GZ)
21Armstrong Stadium (Little 500/Soccer Stadium) (A1)
22Art Museum (FV)
23Arts and Sciences, College of Kirkwood Hall (KH)
24Arts Annex (CS)
25Asian Culture Center (A3)
26Assembly Hall (AS)
27Atwater Eye Care Center (CL)
28Auditorium (AD)
29Auxiliary Library Facility, Ruth Lilly (X4)
30Baier Hall (LW)
31Ballantine Hall (BH)
32Banta Apartments (BA)
33Barnes Lounge (Ashton Center) (BL)
34Bart Kaufman Baseball Field (BK)
35Beck Chapel (BE)
36Beech Hall (Union Street Center) (AF)
37Beta Theta Pi
38Bicknell Hall (BI)
39Billy Hayes Track (HY)
40Birch Hall (Union Street Center) (AB)
41Botany Field Greenhouse (BG)
42Briscoe Quadrangle (BQ)
43Brown Hall (Collins Living-Learning Center) (BR)
44Bryan Hall (BY)
45Bryan House (BX)
46Bursar Poplars - 1st Floor (PO)
47Buskirk-Chumley Theatre (not shown) (BC)
48Campus Children's Center (CW)
49Campus View Apartments (CP)
50Career Development Center (PC)
51Carmichael Center (C3)
52Cedar Hall (Union Street Center) (AC)
53Center for Constitutional Democracy
54Chi Omega
55Chilled Water Plant
56Christian Student Fellowship (50)
57Classroom Office Building (C2)
58Cognitive Sciences (C9)
59Collins Living-Learning Center (EO)
60Communication Services (T2)
61Cook Hall (BD)
62Cravens Hall (Collins Living-Learning Center) (ME)
63Cyberinfrastructure Building (CR)
64Cypress Hall (Union Street Center) (AE)
65Data Center (DC)
66Delta Chi
67Delta Delta Delta
68Delta Gamma
69Delta Tau Delta
70Delta Upsilon
71Delta Zeta
72Department of Chemistry (CH)
73Department of Geological Sciences (GY)
74Department of Psychology (PY)
75Disability Services for Students (Wells Library) (LI)
76Division of Residential Programs & Services (HL)
77Dreiser Hall (Ashton Center) (DR)
78Dunn's Woods
79East Studio (Music) (JS)
80Edmondson Hall (Collins Living-Learning Center) (EO)
81Eigenmann Hall (EG)
82Enrollment Management 408 N. Union St. (CU)
83Ernie Pyle Hall (School of Journalism) (EP)
84Evans Scholars (10)
85Evermann Apartments (EV)
86Fieldhouse, Harry Gladstein Indoor Track Facility (NF)
87Fly Magnetic Center
88Folklore and Ethnomusicology Department (2nd Floor) (C2)
89Football Practice Fields (FB)
90Forest Quadrangle (FR)
91Foster Quadrangle (FQ)
92Foundation, IU (Showalter House) (FO)
93Franklin Hall (FF)
94Gamma Phi Beta
95Geological Materials Testing (GM)
96Geological Survey (GS)
97Geological Survey Core Library (CO)
98GLBT Student Services
99Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology (GL)
100Global and International Studies Building (GISB) (GA)
101Golf Clubhouse (Wegmiller) (GO)
102Golf Teaching and Training Center (GT)
103Goodbody Hall (GB)
104Graduate and Executive Education Center, William J. Godfrey (CG)
105Greene Hall (Collins Living-Learning Center) (GH)
106Gresham Dining Hall (Foster Quadrangle) (GR)
107Griggs Lounge (Ashton Center) (GG)
108Harper Hall (Foster Quadrangle) (HQ)
109Health Center (HC)
110Helene G. Simon Hillel Center (47)
111Hepburn Apartments (BN)
112Hershey Hall (Ashton Center) (HH)
113Hickory Hall (Union Street Center) (AA)
114Hillcrest Apartments (HK)
115Hilltop Garden and Nature Center (HI)
116Hodge Hall (IU Kelley School of Business) (BU)
117Honors College, Edward L. Hutton (HU)
118Hoosier Courts Daycare Nursery (HX)
119Human Resources Management (Poplars) (PO)
120India Studies Program (WE)
121Indiana Institute on Disability and Community (MZ)
122Indiana Memorial Union (UB)
123Indoor Track Facility (NF)
124Informatics East (I2)
125Informatics West (I)
126Integrated Science and Accelerator Technology Hall (ISAT CY)
127Intercollegiate Athletics Gym (GI)
128International Center, Leo R. Dowling (IC)
129International Programs (M3)
130International Services (Poplars) (PO)
131Ireland Family Field Hockey Clubhouse
132Ireland Family Fieldhouse (FI)
133IU Bookstore, Indiana Memorial Union (UB)
134IU Cinema (CN)
135IU Communications, Marketing and Media (VL)
136IU Innovation Center (IR)
137IU Kelley School of Business (Hodge Hall) (BU)
138IU Police
139IU Press Warehouse (X3)
140IU School of Optometry (OP)
141IU School of Social Work (WU)
142Jenkinson Hall (Foster Quadrangle) (IS)
143Johnston Hall (Ashton Center) (JO)
144Jordan Hall (JH)
145Journal of American History (R2)
146Kappa Alpha Theta
147Kappa Delta
148Kappa Kappa Gamma
149Kappa Sigma
150Kirkwood Hall (KH)
151Kirkwood Observatory (OB)
152La Casa / Latino Cultural Center (LZ)
153Lambda Chi Alpha
154Lee Norvelle Theatre and Drama Center (TH)
155Lewis Building (LS)
156LGBTQ+ Culture Center / GLBT House (DX)
157Lilly Library (LL)
158Linden Hall (Union Street Center) (ND)
159Lindley Hall (LH)
160Magee Hall (Foster Quadrangle) (RU)
161Mail Service, IU Warehouse (X3)
162Martin Hall (Foster Quadrangle) (FQ)
163Mason Hall (MQ)
164Mathers Museum (M2)
165Maurer School of Law (LW)
166Maxwell Hall (MX)
167McCalla School (FX)
168McNutt North
169McNutt Quadrangle (MN)
170McNutt South
171Mellencamp Pavilion (MV)
172Memorial Hall (MM)
173Memorial Stadium (MS)
174Metz Carillon Tower (MT)
175Moffatt Hall (Ashton Center) (MF)
176MoneySmarts Financial Literacy, 504 N Fess (FK)
177Monroe Hall (MW)
178Morgan Hall (MR)
179Morrison Hall (MO)
180Motor Pool (X2)
181Multidisciplinary Engineering and Sciences Hall (MESH) (AB/CY)
182Multidisciplinary Science Building 2 (S2)
183Music Building Addition (MA)
184Music Library & Recital Center, Bess Meshulam Simon (M)
185Music Practice Building (P)
186Music, Jacobs School of (Merrill Hall) (MU)
187Musical Arts Center (MAC / MC)
188Myers Hall (MY)
189N Woodland Chilled Plant
190Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center (TH)
191News and Media Carmichael Center (C3)
192Nutt Apartments (NU)
193Office of Development & Alumni Relations
194Outdoor Pool (OD)
195Owen Hall (OW)
196Parking Garage - Atwater (G5)
197Parking Garage - Fee Lane (G1)
198Parking Garage - Henderson 310 S. Fess Ave. (G6)
199Parking Garage - Jordan Avenue (G3)
200Parking Garage - Poplars (G2)
201Phi Delta Theta
202Phi Gamma Delta
203Phi Kappa Psi
204Phi Kappa Sigma
205Phi Mu
206Pi Beta Phi
207Pi Kappa Phi
208Pine Hall (Union Street Center) (NG)
209Poplars (PO)
210Poynter Center (PJ)
211President Bryan Hall 200 (BY)
212Presidents Hall (FF)
213Provost and Executive Vice President, Bloomington, Bryan Hall 100 (BY)
214Radio-Television Center (WFIU and WTIU / TV)
215Rawles Hall (RH)
216Read Hall (RE)
217Redbud Hill Apartments (RD)
218Registrar 408 N. Union St. (CU)
219Residential Dining Services Food Stores, IU Warehouse (X3)
220Rose Avenue Residence Hall (RA)
221Rose Well House (WO)
222Sample Gates
223School of Fine Arts, Henry Radford Hope (FA)
224School of Public and Environmental Affairs, IU (SPEA / PV)
225School of Public Health (PH)
226Sembower Field (SR)
227Service Building (SX)
228Shea Hall (Foster Quadrangle) (SH)
229Showalter Fountain (SF)
230Sigma Alpha Mu
231Sigma Chi
232Sigma Delta Tau
233Sigma Nu
234Sigma Phi Epsilon
235Sigma Pi
236Simon Hall (Multi-Disciplinary Sciences) (SI)
237Smith Hall (Collins Living-Learning Center) (S8)
238Smith Research Center (ER)
239Social Research, Institute for / Center for Survey Research (S7)
240Speech and Hearing Sciences (SG)
241Spruce Hall (RA)
242Stempel Hall (Ashton Center) (SL)
243Student Academic Center 408 N. Union St. (CU)
244Student Affairs, Division of Indiana Memorial Union Room M084 (UB)
245Student Building (SB)
246Student Central 408 N. Union St. (CU)
247Student Financial Assistance, 408 N. Union St. (CU)
248Student Legal Services (LV)
249Student Organization Accounts (Poplars) (PO)
250Student Recreational Sports Center (SRSC / RB)
251Student Services (CU)
252Swain Hall East (SE)
253Swain Hall West (SW)
254Switching Center
255Sycamore Hall (SY)
256T.I.S. College Bookstore (48)
257Tennis Center (TP)
258Teter Quadrangle (TE)
259Theta Chi
260Third & Union Apartments (UA)
261Thomas House (TO)
262Tulip Tree Apartments (TT)
263Union Street Center (AC)
264University Apartments, East (UE)
265University Division Maxwell Hall (MX)
266University Graduate School Kirkwood Hall (KH)
267Veterans Affairs Indiana Memorial Union, Room M084 (UB)
268Visitor Information Center Carmichael Center (C3)
269Von Lee (VL)
270Vos Hall (Ashton Center) (VO)
271Warehouse, IU (X3)
272Weatherly Hall (Ashton Center) (WA)
273Weathers Golf Team Center (GP)
274Wells Library, Herman B (LI)
275Wendell W. Wright Education Building (ED)
276Wildermuth Intramural Center (WM)
277Willkie Quadrangle (WI)
278Willkie Quadrangle A
279Willkie Quadrangle B
280Willkie Quadrangle C
281Women's Softball Field (W)
282Woodburn Hall (WH)
283Woodlawn Field
284Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis (ZB)
285Wright Quadrangle (WT)
286Wylie Hall (WY)
287Zeta Beta Tau
288Zeta Tau Alpha

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