Cason-Kennedy Nursing Building (CKNB) at MTSU

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1Abernathy Hall (ABER)
2Alumni House (ALUM)
3Alumni Memorial Gym (AMG)
4Alumni Office (ALOF)
5Andrew L. Todd Hall (TODD)
6Beasley Hall (BH)
7Black House (TCWNHA / BLH)
8Boutwell Dramatic Arts Building (BDA)
9Buck Bouldin Tennis Center (TENN)
10Business and Aerospace Building (BAS)
11Cason-Kennedy Nursing Building (CKNB)
12Central Services Building (Day Care Center) (CSB)
13Central Utility Plant / Cogeneration Plant (COGN)
14Clement Hall (CLH)
15College Heights Building (CH)
16College of Education Building (COE)
17Cope Administration Building (CAB)
18Corlew Hall (CORL)
19Davis Science Building (DSB)
20Deere Hall (DH)
21Ellington Human Sciences Annex (EHSA)
22Ellington Human Sciences Building (EHS)
23Ezell Hall (EZEL)
24Fairview Building (FAIR)
25Forrest Hall (FH)
26Gracy Hall (GRH)
27Greenhouse (GH)
28Harrison House (Center for Historic Preservation) (HARR)
29Haynes House, 1411 E. Main (HH)
30Health, Wellness, and Recreation Center (Health Services located inside the HWRC) (REC)
31Holmes Building (Maintenance Complex) (HOB)
32Homer Pittard Campus School (PCS)
33Horticulture Facility (HC)
34Housing Maintenance Annex (HMA)
35James E. Walker Library (LIB)
36James Union Building (JUB)
37Jim Cummings Hall (JCH)
38John Bragg Mass Communication Building (COMM)
39Jones Hall (JH)
40Judd Hall (JUDD)
41Keathley University Center (KUC)
42Kirksey Old Main (KOM)
43Lyon Hall (LH)
44McFarland Building (MB)
45McHenry Hall (MCH)
46Midgett Building (MGB)
47Miss Mary Hall (MARY)
48Monohan Hall (MOH)
49Murphy Center (MC)
50Naked Eye Observatory (NEO)
51Natatorium (POOL)
52Ned McWherter Learning Resources Center (LRC)
53Nicks Hall (NICK)
54Observatory (OBS)
55Parking Services Building (PKS)
56Paul W. Martin Sr. Honors Building (HONR)
57Peck Hall (PH)
58Photography Building (PHO)
59Printing Services Building (PSB)
60Project Help (PHLP)
61Public Safety (PS)
62Reynolds Hall (REH)
63Rose and Emmett Kennon Sports Hall of Fame (KSHF)
64ROTC Annex (ROTX)
65Rutledge Hall (RH)
66Sam H. Ingram Building (ING)
67Satellite Chiller Plant (SCP)
68Saunders Fine Arts Building (SFA)
69Scarlett Commons Apartments 1 - 9 (SCA)
70Schardt Hall (SCH)
71Science Building
72Sims Hall (SIMS)
73Smith Hall (SMH)
74Sports Club Complex (SCB)
75Stark Agribusiness and Agriscience Center (SAG)
76Stephen B. Smith Baseball Clubhouse (SBCH)
77Strobel Biology Annex (SBA)
78Student Union Building (under construction) (SU)
79Telecommunications Building (TCM)
80Telescope Building (TB)
81Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia (DYS)
82Tennessee Livestock Center (TLC)
83Tom H. Jackson Building (JACK)
84Vaughn House (Department of Criminal Justice Admin.) (VH)
85Vocational Agriculture (VA)
86Voorhies Engineering Technology (VET)
87Wansley House (Internal Audit) (WANH)
88Warehouse (Maintenance Complex) (WH)
89Wassom House (Budget Office) (WASS)
90Wiser-Patten Science Hall (WPS)
91Womack Lane Apartments A - L (WLA)
92Wood-Stegall Center (Development and University Relations) (WSC)
93Woodmore Cybercafe (WC)
94Wright Music Building (WMB)

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