Professional Studies & Fine Arts (PSFA) at SDSU

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2Adams Humanities (AH)
3Administration (AD)
4AL 201
5Alex & Doug Diamond Box Office
6Arena Meeting Center (AMC)
7Art North (ART N)
8Art South (ART S)
9Arts and Letters (AL)
10Atkinson Hall (GA)
11Aztec Aquaplex (POOL)
12Aztec Corner A
13Aztec Corner B
14Aztec Corner C
15Aztec Court at Peterson Gym (PG)
16Aztec Green
17Aztec Market - Chappy
18Aztec Market - West End Plaza
19Aztec Market Cuic
20Aztec Market East Commons
21Aztec Market Student Union
22Aztec Market Terrace
23Aztec Market University Towers (UT Kitchen)
24Aztec Recreation Center (ARC)
25Aztec Shops Bookstore (BOOK)
26Aztec Shops Terrace
27Aztec Softball Field
28Aztec Student Union (SU)
29Aztec Tennis Center (ATC)
30Bernstein Theatre (Formerly Little Theatre)
31Bill & Evelyn Lamden Stage
32Black Resource Center
33Boiler Plant
34Building A
35CalCoast Credit Union Open Amphitheatre
36Calpulli Center (Student Health Services) (CLP)
37Campanile Mall
38Central Receiving
39Chapultepec Hall (Chappy) (CHAP)
40Charles B. Bell Jr. Pavilion
41Charles Hostler Hall (CHH)
42Charlie Smith Field
43Chemical Sciences Laboratory (CSL)
44Children's Center
45Cholula Community Center (CHOL)
46Cogen Plant
47College Square (CSQ)
48Communication (COM)
49Cuicacalli Hall (Cuic) (RSDN)
50Dominos Pizza
51Dramatic Arts (DA)
52East Commons (EC)
53Education & Business Administration (See Lamden Hall) (EBA)
54Education (ED)
55Ellen Ochoa Pavilion (Formerly West Commons)
56Engineering (E)
57Engineering and Interdisciplinary Sciences Complex (EIS)
58ENS 280
59ENS 700 (SEPF)
60ENS Annex (ENSA)
62Exercise & Nutritional Sciences (ENS)
63Extended Studies Center (ESC)
64Facilities Services
65Faculty Advancement and Student Success
66Fern Garden
67Flavors Express
68Fowler Athletics Center (FAC)
69Fraternity Row
70Gateway Center (GC)
71Geography Annex (GA)
72Geology Mathematics Computer Science (GMCS)
73GMCS 333
75Greek - Alpha Epsilon Pi
76Greek - Delta Gamma
77Greek - Delta Sigma Phi
78Greek - Delta Upsilon
79Greek - Kappa Alpha
80Greek - Kappa Alpha Theta
81Greek - Phi Delta Theta
82Greek - Phi Kappa Psi
83Habit Burger
84Hardy Tower (HT)
85Hepner Hall (HH)
87Huaxyacac Hall (Huaxy)
88International Student Center (ISC)
89Jack in the Box
90Jeff Jacobs JAM Center
91Joan and Art Barron Veteran's Center
93L&L Hawaiian Barbecue
94Lamden Hall
95Life Sciences North (LS N)
96Life Sciences South (LS S)
97Logistical Services
98Love Library (LL)
100Main Stage
101Manchester Hall (MH)
102Maya Hall (MAYA)
105Montezuma Mesa
106Music (M)
107Nasatir Hall (NH)
108NE 60
109North Education (NE)
110Oggi's Pizza
111Olmeca Hall (OLM)
112Panda Express
113Parking Lot - South Campus Plaza Parking
114Parking Lot 1
115Parking Lot 10
116Parking Lot 10A
117Parking Lot 11
118Parking Lot 12
119Parking Lot 13
120Parking Lot 14
121Parking Lot 15
122Parking Lot 16
123Parking Lot 17
124Parking Lot 17A
125Parking Lot 17B
126Parking Lot 17C
127Parking Lot 2
128Parking Lot 2A
129Parking Lot 2B
130Parking Lot 2C
131Parking Lot 3
132Parking Lot 4
133Parking Lot 4A
134Parking Lot 5
135Parking Lot 5A
136Parking Lot 6
137Parking Lot 6A
138Parking Lot 6B
139Parking Lot 7
140Parking Lot 8
141Parking Lot 9A
142Parma Payne Goodall Alumni Center (PPGAC)
143Peterson Gym (PG)
144PG 153
145PG 242
146PG 600 Field
147PG 610 Field
148PG 620 Field
149Physical Sciences (PS)
150Physics (P)
151Physics Astronomy (PA)
152Piedra Del Sol
153Pierce Greek Life Center
154Prebys Stage
155Professional Studies & Fine Arts (PSFA)
156Prospective Student Center (PSC)
157Public Safety (DPS)
158Racquetball Facility
159Recreation Field 103
161Salad Bistro
162Scripps Cottage
163SDSU Art Gallery
164SDSU Farmer's Market
165SDSU Garage
166SDSU Housing
167SDSU Passport Office (ISCT)
168SDSU Sports Deck
169SDSU Student Veterans House
170SDSU Sundial
171SDSU War Memorial
172Shake Smart
173Shiley Bioscience Center (BSCI)
174SHW 11
175Smith Recital Hall
176Snapdragon Stadium
177SoCal Chicken
178South Campus Plaza I - North
179South Campus Plaza II - South
180Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences (SLHS)
182Starbucks - College Square
183Starbucks - Student Union
184Storm Hall (SH)
185Storm Hall West (SW)
186Student Organization Annex (SOX)
187Student Services East (SSE)
188Student Services West (SSW)
190Sunset Plaza
191Tacuba Hall (RSTE)
193Tenochca Hall (TENO)
194Tepeyac Hall (RSTW)
195Testing Accommodation Center / Testing Services (CLP-3700)
196The Halal Shack
197The Pride Center
199Tony Gwynn Stadium (TGS)
200Trader Joes
201Tula Community Center
202Turtle Pond
203University Library
204University Police
205University Towers (UT)
207Viejas Arena
208Villa Alvarado
209Vinnies Pizza
211Which Wich
212Women's Resource Center
215Zura Hall (ZURA)

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