Welding / Auto Diesel (K) at SAC

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2Academic Computing Center (A-106)
3Administration Building (S)
4Adult Education Center Office (B8)
5Adult Education Classrooms (B15-31)
6Adult Education Classrooms (B33)
8Art Gallery (C)
9Auto Shop (J)
10Baseball Field
11Bookstore (JSC-117)
12Cafe (JSC-118)
13Campus Store (JSC-117)
14Central Plant (O)
15Cesar Chavez Building (A)
16Classroom Building (I)
17Cook Gym (G)
19Dunlap Hall (D)
20Early Childhood Education Center (V)
21Fine Arts (C)
22Fitness Center (E)
23Hammond Hall (H)
24Health and Wellness Center (JSC-110)
25Health Science (HS)
26Honors Program (D-428)
27International Students Program
28Johnson Student Center (JSC)
29Kinesiology (W)
30Learning Center (D-307)
31Locker Rooms (F)
32Maintenance (Z)
34Middle College High School (B)
35Music Building (N)
36Nealley Library (L)
37Panda Express
38Parking Lot 1 - Staff
39Parking Lot 11 - Student
40Parking Lot 12 - Student
41Parking Lot 13 - Student
42Parking Lot 2 - Security
43Parking Lot 3 - Visitor
44Parking Lot 4 - Staff
45Parking Lot 5 - Staff
46Parking Lot 6 - Student
47Parking Lot 7 - Student
48Parking Lot 8
49Parking Lot 9 - Student
50Phillips Hall Theatre (P)
51Planetarium (M)
53Quick Copy Center
54Russell Hall (R)
55Science Center (SC)
56Security / Safety (X)
57Soccer Field
58Softball Field
59Sports Concession (Q)
61Student Life (JSC-102)
62Taco Bell
64Technical Arts (T)
65Tennis Courts
66The Spot (JSC-101)
67The Village (VL)
68Veterans Resource Center (M-120)
71Welding / Auto Diesel (K)

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