Museum Joshua's Blacksmith Forge (JBF) (196) at SHSU

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178 Acres Site (78AC) (M20)
2Abattoir Building (AB) (94)
3Academic Building I (AB1) (39)
4Academic Building II
5Academic Building III (AB3) (8)
6Academic Building IV (AB4) (10)
7AG and IND Science Research Lab (AIRL) (336)
8AG Complex on I-45 (AG) (M21)
9AG Engineering Technology Annex (AETA) (357)
10AG Greenhouse No. 1 (GHL) (70)
11AG Greenhouse No. 2 (AG2) (68)
12AG I45 Greenhouse (AGG) (257)
13Alpha Chi Omega House (ACO) (116)
14Alpha Delta Pi House (ADP) (113)
15Animal Husbandry Building (AHA) (86)
16Anne Shaver House (ASH) (117)
17Archery 1 - IM Fld 1 (AR1) (60)
18Arleigh B. Templeton Building (TEMP) (83)
19Art Building A (ARTA) (73)
20Art Building C (ARTC) (20)
21Art Building D (ARTD) (21)
22Art Building E (ARTE) (75)
23Art Building F (ARTF) (71)
24Art Building G (ARTG) (241)
25Austin Hall (AC) (2)
26Bank Tower Building (BTB) (319)
27Baseball Softball Practice Facility (BSP) (289)
28Baseball Softball Storage Building (BSS) (298)
29Bearkat Plaza (BPLZ) (M08)
30Bearkat Village A Apts A101-A306 (BV1) (273)
31Bearkat Village B Apts B101-B312 (BV2) (274)
32Bearkat Village C Apts C101-C306 (BV3) (275)
33Bearkat Village D Apts D101-D312 (BV4) (276)
34Bearkat Village E Clubhouse (BVE) (277)
35Bearkat Village F Apts F101-F312 (BV5) (278)
36Bearkat Village G Apts G101-G306 (BV6) (279)
37Bearkat Village H Apts H101-H308 (BV7) (280)
38Bearkat Village I Apts I101-I306 (BV8) (281)
39Bearkat Village J Apts J101-J306 (BV9) (282)
40Bearkat Village K Apts K101-K308 (BV10) (283)
41Bearkat Village L Apts L101-L306 (BV11) (284)
42Bearkat Village M Laundry/Mailbox (BVM) (285)
43Belvin-Buchanan Hall (BEL) (103)
44Bernard G. Johnson Coliseum (COL) (48)
45Bill Blackwood Lemit (LB) (242)
46Biology Laboratory Building (355)
47Bobby K. Marks Administration Building (AD) (5)
48Bonfire Site (BONF) (M02)
49Bowers Stadium East Concessions (EC) (59)
50Bowers Stadium N Ticket Booth (NTB) (65)
51Bowers Stadium Press Box (PRBX) (58)
52Bowers Stadium SE Ticket Booth (SETB) (61)
53Bowers Stadium SW Ticket Booth (SWTB) (62)
54Building and Landscape Services (BLSB) (44)
55Building Services Facility (BSF) (64)
56Building Services Storage (BSST) (78)
57Business Services Building (BSB) (377)
58Charles W. Tackett Police Building (TPB) (236)
59Chemistry and Forensic Science (CFS) (300)
60CHSS Outdoor Art Plaza (COAP) (M15)
61CJ1 North 1009 13th Street (CJN1) (190)
62CJ2 North 1003 13th Street (CJN2) (191)
63CJ3 North 131 Ave J (CJN3) (192)
64Clock Tower (CLKT) (M12)
65Coliseum Commons (CCOM) (M05)
66College of Humanities and Social Science (CHSS) (314)
67Colony Park (COLP) (M01)
68Corn Crib (MCC) (201)
69Counselor Education Center (CEC) (303)
70Crawford House (CRA) (136)
71Creager House (CRE) (131)
72Dan Rather Communications Building (DRCB) (51)
73Demonstration Cabin (MDC) (207)
74Don Sanders Baseball Field (DSBF) (F04)
75Don Sanders Discus and Shotput Field (DSDS) (F11)
76Don Sanders Softball Stadium (DSSF) (F05)
77Don Sanders Stadium Concession Stand (DSCS) (293)
78Don Sanders Stadium Home W Dugout (DSHD) (291)
79Don Sanders Stadium Ticket Booth (DSBB) (290)
80Don Sanders Stadium Visitor Dugout (DSVD) (292)
81East Central Plant (EPLT) (50)
82Eleanor and Charles Garrett Teacher Education Center (TEC) (47)
83Elliott Hall (ELL) (104)
84Elliott T. Bowers Stadium (BOWS) (F07)
85Episcopal Student Center
86Estill Building (EB) (9)
87Estill Hall (EST) (147)
88Evans Complex (EV) (11)
89Exhibit Hall (STOR) (199)
90Facilities Services Paint Storage (PPLS) (248)
91Facilities Services Storage Building (PPSB) (334)
92Farm Power Machinery Building (TL) (93)
93Farrington Building (F) (7)
94Farrington Pit (FPIT) (M06)
95Fountain (FOUN) (M11)
96Fred Pirkle Engineering Technology Center (PIRK) (368)
97Garden Shed (MSG) (203)
98Gazebo (GZBW) (M10)
99General's Market (SDIN) (372)
100Geology Annex (GANX) (55)
101Geology Core Building (GCL) (358)
102George J. Beto Criminal Justice Center (CJC) (46)
103Gibbs Classroom (RNCH) (226)
104Gibbs Conference Center (GRH) (225)
105Gibbs Conference Center Storage (GCCS) (229)
106Gibbs Demo Barn Storage (GSP) (313)
107Gibbs Equipment Storage Wire Road (GES) (310)
108Gibbs House (GBH) (111)
109Gibbs Main Rent House (GMRH) (239)
110Gibbs Ranch (GR) (M23)
111Gibbs Sheep and Goat Barn (GSGB) (247)
112Gibbs Show Barn (GDL) (222)
113GPAC Patio (GPAT) (M13)
114Guerrant Family Cabin (MGFC) (208)
115Harry L. Westmoreland Engineering Tech Lab (ITB) (256)
116Hazardous Waste Storage (HWS) (77)
117Health and Kinesiology Center (HKC) (52)
118Holleman Baseball Field (HBBF) (F09)
119Holleman Field Dressing Room (BFDR) (32)
120Holleman Field Home Dugout (HFHD) (17)
121Holleman Field Pressbox/Concession (HFP) (33)
122Holleman Field Storage (HFS) (316)
123Holleman Field Visitors Dugout (HFVD) (16)
124Holleman Softball Field (HSBF) (F10)
125Holleman Sports Field (F013) (F13)
126Horse Management Building (HORS) (95)
127Horticulture Classroom (HC) (79)
128Horticulture Lab (ML) (69)
129Houston House (MHH) (112)
130Huntsville Area Technology and Business Complex (UHT) (359)
131Intramural Field 1 (IF1) (F01)
132Intramural Field 2 (IF2) (F02)
133Intramural Field 3 (IF3) (F03)
134Intramural Restrooms (IMR) (63)
135Intramural Shed One (ISO) (304)
136Intramural Storage (IMS) (81)
137IT Server Building (ITSB) (376)
138Jackson-Shaver Hall (JAC) (102)
139Jackson-Shaver Mechanical Building (JSMB) (329)
140James and Nancy Gaertner Performing Arts Center (GPAC) (315)
141John R. Ragsdale Visitor and Alumni Center (VIS) (271)
142John W. Thomason Building (THOM) (12)
143Joseph Baldwin House (BLW) (130)
144Katy and E. Don Walker, Jr. Education Center (WEC) (202)
145Ladykat East Dugout (LED) (245)
146Ladykat Softball Concession (LSBC) (240)
147Ladykat West Dugout (LWD) (244)
148Landscape Chemical Storage Building (LCSB) (260)
149Landscape Greenhouse No. 1 (GG1) (96)
150Landscape Greenhouse No. 2 (GG2) (97)
151LDS Student Center
152Lee Drain Annex (LDAX) (54)
153Lee Drain Building (LDB) (53)
154Lone Star Hall/Residence Life Offices (LSH) (347)
155Lowman Student Center (LSC) (19)
156Mafrige Auditorium
157Main Substation (SUBS) (76)
158Mall (MALL) (M07)
159Mallon House (MLN) (137)
160Margaret Lea Houston (MLHB) (18)
161McAdams Restrooms (MR) (67)
162McAdams Tennis Courts
163Methodist Student Center
164Murff Warehouse (Delta Lease) (MURF) (312)
165Museum Eliza's Kitchen (EK) (195)
166Museum Grounds Storage Building (MGSB) (352)
167Museum Joshua's Blacksmith Forge (JBF) (196)
168Museum Maintenance Barn (MMB) (193)
169Museum Sam Houston's Law Office (SHLO) (194)
170Museum Woodland Home (WH) (198)
171Music Building (MUS) (56)
172Newton Gresham Library (NGL) (42)
173Old Main Market (OMM) (338)
174P.E. Equipment McAdams Tennis (PS) (45)
175Peabody Memorial Library (P) (3)
177Post Office (SHPO) (374)
178Pritchett Field (PRFD) (F08)
179Pritchett Field Concessions (PRIT) (25)
180Pritchett Field Rugby Storage (PFRS) (305)
181Pritchett Men's Restroom (PMR) (24)
182Pritchett Ticket Office (TO) (23)
183Pritchett Women's Restroom (PWR) (26)
184Psychological Services Center (43)
185Rachel Jackson House (RJH) (115)
186Randel House (RAN) (152)
187Raven Nest (MRS) (206)
188Raven Village (RVN) (321)
189Recreational Sports (RSC) (302)
190Recycling/Shredding Facility (RECY) (80)
191Residence Life Maintenance Facility (RLMF) (343)
192Ron Mafrige Field House (RMFH) (57)
193Ron Randleman Weight and Fitness Center (RRWF) (320)
194Sam Houston Memorial Museum (MUSM) (197)
195Sam Houston Parking Garage (PKG1) (301)
196Sam Houston Village (SHV) (299)
197Sciences Annex (SA) (361)
198Sigma Sigma Sigma House (SSS) (114)
199Smith-Hutson Addition
200Smith-Hutson Business Building (SHB) (41)
201Softball Concessions Concourse (SCC) (297)
202Softball Home Dugout South Side (SHD) (296)
203Softball Ticket Booth (STB) (294)
204Softball Visitor Dugout West Side (SVD) (295)
205South Paw Dining (SPW) (270)
206South Residential Hall (373)
207Spivey House (SPI) (151)
208SS 1 - Vehicle Maintenance (AUTO) (233)
209SS 2 - Plant Shops, Propersty, Store (SHOP) (234)
210SS 3 - Administrative Offices (PPTR) (235)
211Stage Building (MSB) (209)
212Steamboat House (STH) (200)
213Student Services Annex (SSAX) (22)
214Tractor Lab (TLAB) (92)
215University Hotel (HOTL) (286)
216University Plaza (ALEC) (383)
217University Storage Facility (USF) (349)
218University Swing Place (Temp) (USS) (379)
219University Theatre Center (UTC) (49)
220UPD Storage Building (UPDS) (335)
221Vick House (VIC) (150)
222Volleyball Court
223West Central Plant (WCP) (15)
224White Hall (WHI) (168)
225William R. Harrell Engineering Technology Center (AETC) (243)
226William R. Powell Student Health and Counsel Center (PHCC) (360)
227Workshop in Art Studio and History (WASH) (344)
228Zeta Tau Alpha House (ZTA) (110)

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