San Jose State University Campus Map

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1Administration (ADM)
2Alquist Building (ALQ)
3Aquatics Facility (AQX)
4Art Building (ART)
5Associated Students Childhood Development Center (CDC)
6Associated Students House (ASH)
8Baseball Practice Field
9Boccardo Business Center (BBC)
10Bookstore (BK)
11Business Tower (BT)
12Campus Village 2 (CV2)
13Campus Village A (CVA)
14Campus Village B (CVB)
15Campus Village C (CVC)
16Career Center (CRC)
17CEFCU Stadium
18Central Classroom Building (CCB)
19Clark Hall (CL)
20Community Garden (CG)
21Concert Hall (CH)
22Cooling Plant (CP)
23Corporation Yard A (CYA)
24Corporation Yard B (CYB)
25Dining Commons (DC)
26Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library (KING)
27Dudley Moorhead Hall (DMH)
28Duncan Hall (DH)
29Dwight Bentel Hall (DBH)
30East Fieldhouse
31Engineering Building (ENG)
32Faculty Offices (FOB)
33Football Practice Fields
34Ginger Market
35Hammer Theatre Center (HT)
36Health Building (HB)
37Hugh Gillis Hall (HGH)
38Industrial Studies (IS)
39Information Technology (IT)
40Instructional Resource Center (IRC)
41Interdisciplinary Sciences Building (ISB)
42International House (IH)
43Joe West Hall (JWH)
44Koret Center
45MacQuarrie Hall (MH)
46Morris Dailey Auditorium (MD)
47Music Building (MUS)
48Nirvana Soul Coffee
49North Parking Garage (NPG)
50Panda Express
51Park and Ride Lot
52Philz Coffee
53Provident Credit Union Event Center (PCUEC)
54Recreation Field
55Science Building (SCI)
56Simpkins Athletics Administration Building (ATH)
57Simpkins Stadium Center
58SJSU Bowling Center
59Softball Field
60South Campus Parking Garage (SCG)
61South Parking Garage (SPG)
62Spartan Athletics Center (SAC)
63Spartan Beach Volleyball Courts
64Spartan Complex Central (SPXC)
65Spartan Complex East (SPXE)
66Spartan Golf Complex
67Spartan Memorial (SPM)
68Spartan Recreation & Aquatic Center (SRAC)
69Spartan Soccer Field
70Spartan Tennis Complex
71Spartan Ticket Office
72Spartan Village on the Paseo (SVP)
73Stephens Family Pitching / Hitting Cages
74Student Services Center (SSC)
75Student Union (Diaz Compean) (SU)
76Student Union Theater Courtyard
77Student Wellness Center (SWC)
78Sweeney Hall (SH)
79Tower Hall (TH)
80University Police Department (UPD)
81University Theater (UT)
82Village Market (VM)
83Washburn Hall (WSH)
84Washington Square Hall (WSQ)
85Welcome Center (WC)
86West Parking Garage (WPG)
87Yoshihiro Uchida Hall (YUH)

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