Library Art Gallery (Pecan Campus) at STC

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1Administration Building (Starr County Campus)
2Admissions, Counseling and Advising (Pecan Campus)
3Ann Richards Administration Building (Pecan Campus)
4Auditorium (Pecan Campus)
5Barnes and Noble Bookstore (Pecan Campus)
6Bookstore (Starr County Campus)
7Building A (Pecan Plaza)
8Building B (Pecan Plaza)
9Building C (Pecan Plaza)
10Business Office (Pecan Campus)
11Cafeteria (Pecan Campus)
12Center for Learning Excellence (Mid-Valley Campus)
13Center for Learning Excellence (Pecan Campus)
14Center for Learning Excellence (Starr County Campus)
15Cooper Center for Communication Arts (Pecan Campus)
16Cultural Arts Center (Starr County Campus)
17Detention Pond (Mid-Valley Campus)
18Distance Education (Pecan Campus)
19Dual Enrollment Academies (Pecan Campus)
20Facilities Planning and Construction (Pecan Campus)
21Financial Aid and Cashiers (Pecan Campus)
22I.S.S. Building (Pecan Campus)
23I.T. Building (Pecan Campus)
24Kinesiology (Mid-Valley Campus)
25Library (Mid-Valley Campus)
26Library (Pecan Campus)
27Library (Starr County Campus)
28Library Art Gallery (Pecan Campus)
29Manuel Benavidez Jr. Rural Technology Center (Starr County Campus)
30New Cooling Towers (Mid-Valley Campus)
31New Health Professions and Science Building (Mid-Valley Campus)
32North Academic (Starr County Campus)
33North Academic Building (Mid-Valley Campus)
34North Academic Building (Pecan Campus)
35Nursing and Allied Health (Mid-Valley Campus)
36Nursing and Allied Health East Wing (Nursing and Allied Health Campus)
37Nursing and Allied Health Extension (Nursing and Allied Health Campus)
38Nursing and Allied Health West Wing (Nursing and Allied Health Campus)
39Physical Plant (Pecan Campus)
40Purchasing Department (Pecan Campus)
41Shipping and Receiving (Technology Campus)
42South Academic (Starr County Campus)
43South Academic Building (Mid-Valley Campus)
44South Academic Building (Pecan Campus)
45STC Art Gallery (Pecan Campus)
46Student Activities and Wellness Center (Starr County Campus)
47Student Activities Center (Pecan Campus)
48Student Lounge (Pecan Campus)
49Student Services (Mid-Valley Campus)
50Student Services (Pecan Campus)
51Student Services (Starr County Campus)
52Student Success Center (Mid-Valley Campus)
53Technical and Workforce Training Building (Technology Campus)
54Technology East (Technology Campus)
55Technology West (Technology Campus)
56Tutoring and Computer Labs (Pecan Campus)
57Welcome Center (Pecan Campus)
58West Academic Building (Pecan Campus)
59Workforce Center (Technology Campus)
60Workforce Development (Mid-Valley Campus)
61Workforce Development (Starr County Campus)

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