Nicholl Environmental Laboratory (N) at Stevens

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12 Ninth St.
2600 River Terrace (600RS)
3602 River Terrace (602RS)
4606 River Terrace (606RS)
5607-614 Hudson St.
6Alexander House (AH)
7Alpha Sigma Phi
8Babbio Center (BC)
9Beta Theta Pi
10Burhcard Building (B)
11Carnegie Laboratory (C)
12Castle Point Hall
13Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education
14Chi Phi
15Chi Psi
16Davidson Laboratory (D)
17Davis Hall (HD)
18Delta Phi Epsilon
19Delta Tau Delta
20Edwin A. Stevens Hall and DeBaun Auditorium (E)
21Gatehouse (Campus Police) (GH)
22Gibb House
23Griffith Building (G)
24Hayden Hall (CH)
25Hoxie House
26Humphreys Hall
27Jabobus Student Center (DJ)
28Jonas Hall
29Kenneth J. Altorfer Academic Complex (A)
30Kidde (K)
31Lambda Upsilon Lambda
32Lieb Building (L)
33Lore-El Center
34McLean Hall (X)
35Morten (M)
36Nicholl Environmental Laboratory (N)
37Palmer Hall (EP)
38Phi Sigma Kappa
39Phi Sigma Sigma
40Pierce (P)
41Pond House
42Rocco Technology Center
43Ruesterholz Admissions Center
44Samuel C. Williams Library and Computer Center (SL)
45Schaefer Athletic and Recreation Center (SCH)
46Sigma Nu
47Sigma Phi Epsilon
48Theta Phi Alpha
49Theta Xi
50Walker Gymnasium (W)
51Wesley J. Howe Center and Visitors Information Desk (S)

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