Pioneer Woman Statue at TWU

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1Administration and Conference Tower (ACT)
2Admissions Building - Admissions, Financial Aid, Scholarship and Registrar's offices (ADM)
3Alumni House (AH)
5Ann Stuart Science Complex (ASSC)
6Arts and Sciences Building (ASB)
7Blagg-Huey Library (BHL)
8Bralley Annex
9Classroom Faculty Office Building (CFO)
10Dance - Gymnastics Laboratory Building (DGL)
11Facilities Management
12Fitness and Recreation Center
14Golf Clubhouse
15Graduate Research Building (GRB)
17Grove Street Apartments
18Guinn Hall (GH)
19Hubbard Hall - Department of Public Safety, Student Health Services (HH)
20Human Development Building (HDB)
21Information Booth
22Institutional Development
23Jones Hall
24Little Chapel-in-the-Woods (LC)
25Lowry Woods Apartments
26Multipurpose Classroom Laboratory Building (MCL)
27Music Building - Margo Jones Performance Hall (MUS)
28Office of Human Resources
29Office Of Marketing & Communication
30Old Main Building (OMB)
31Outdoor Swimming Pool
32Patio Building (PB)
33Pioneer Hall (PH)
34Pioneer Woman Statue
35Redbud Theater (HH)
36Soccer Field
37Softball Field
38Stark Hall
39Stoddard Hall (SH)
40Student Union - Bookstore, Post Office (SU)
41Tennis Courts
42The Commons
43Undergraduate Laboratory Building (ULB)
44University House (UH)
45Visual Arts Building (ART)
46Walking Path

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