N.C. Cancer Hospital at UNC

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1Abernethy Annex
2Abernethy Hall (American Indian Ctr., Public Policy)
3ACC Express (Snack Bar)
4Ackland Art Museum
5Alderman (Residence Hall)
6Alexander (Residence Hall)
7Alumni Center, George Watts Hill (Alumni Office)
8Alumni Hall (Anthropology, Res. Labs of Archaeology)
9Ambulatory Care Center
10Anderson, Eugene G. Stadium (Softball)
11Arboretum, Coker (Coker Hall)
12Art Studio Bldg., Airport Drive
13Avery (Residence Hall)
14Aycock (Residence Hall)
15Aycock Family Medicine Center, William B.
16Baity Environmental Research Lab, H.G. (Environment Sciences and Engineering)
17Baity Hill (Student Family Housing)
18Battle Hall (African and African Am. Studies)
19Beard Hall (Pharmacy)
20Belk Track
21Bell Tower Parking Deck
22Bell Tower, Morehead Patterson
23Berryhill Hall (Laboratory Animal Medicine)
24Bingham Hall (Communication Studies)
25Bioinformatics Bldg. (Medicine, Pediatrics, Neurology)
26Bondurant Hall. (Allied Health Sciences, Med. Admin.)
27Boshamer Stadium
28Bowman Gray Swimming Pool (in Woollen Gym)
29Brauer Hall (Dentistry)
30Brinkhous - Bullitt Bldg. (Pathology & Lab. Med.)
31Brooks Computer Science Building
32Brooks Hall (UNC Press)
33Bryson Field
34Burnett - Womack (Medicine, Med. Admin., Surgery)
35Business School Parking Deck
36Bynum Hall (Graduate School, Technology Dev.)
37Caldwell Hall (Philosophy, Accounting, Dramatic Arts)
38Campus Y
39Cardinal Parking Deck
40Carmichael (Residence Hall)
41Carmichael, William Donald Jr. Arena
42Carolina Inn
43Carr Building (Housing and Res. Ed., Inst. Research)
44Carrington Hall (School of Nursing)
45Carroll Hall (Journalism & Mass Comm.)
46Caudill Labs
47Chapman Golf Team Facility
48Chapman Hall, Max C. Jr.
49Chase Dining Hall (at Rams Head Center)
50Cheek / Clark Bldg. (Facilities Services)
51Chiller Bldg. (East Side)
52Chiller Buildings - Southside
53Coates Bldg., Albert & Gladys
55Cobb Parking Deck
56Cobb Residence Hall
57Cogeneration Facility (Energy Services)
58Coker Hall and Temp. Greenhouse (Biology)
59Coker Pinetum
60Community Service Bldg. (Odum)
61Cone Kenfield Tennis Center
62Connor (Residence Hall)
63Craige (Residence Hall)
64Craige North (Residence Hall)
65Craige Parking Deck
66Daniels Bldg. (Student Stores - Administration)
67Davie Hall (Psychology)
68Davis Library, Walter R. (Academic Affairs)
69Dental Sciences Building
70Dentistry, School of
71Dey Hall (Languages, Linguistics, Eng. & Comp. Lit.)
72Dogwood Parking Deck
73Dramatic Art, Center for
74DuBose Home Place
75Ehringhaus (Residence Hall)
76Ehringhaus Field
77Electric Distribution Operations Center
78Energy Services Bldg.
79Environment, Health and Safety Bldg.
80Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
81Everett (Residence Hall)
82Evergreen House (Exercise and Sports Science)
83Faculty Club (Fac.-Staff Rec. Assoc. or The Farm)
84FedEx Global Education Center
85Fetzer Field
86Fetzer Hall, Robert Allison
87Finley Club House
88Finley Fields
89Finley Golf Course
90Fordham Hall, Christopher C. , III (Molecular Biology)
91Forest Theater
92Franklin St., 134 E. (Arts & Sciences, Carolina Counts, Summer School)
93Friday Center Park and Ride
94Friday Center, William and Ida (Continuing Education)
95Gardner Hall (Economics)
96General Administration Building
97General Storeroom
98Genetic Medicine Research Bldg.
99Genome Sciences Bldg.
100Gerrard Hall
101Goodmon Bldg. (WUNC-FM)
102Gore Bldg. (Cogeneration Admin.)
103Graham (Residence Hall)
104Graham Memorial (Robertson Scholarship Prog., Honors)
105Graham Student Union (Carolina Union)
106Granville Towers (East, West, South, Agora)
107Greenlaw (English, Comparative Lit., Writing Ctr.)
108Grimes (Residence Hall)
109Hamilton Hall (History, Political Science, Sociology)
110Hanes Art Center
111Hanes Hall (Registrar, Univ. Career Service, Statistics)
112Hardin (Residence Hall)
113Health Affairs Parking (Cardinal/Dogwood/Jackson Circle)
114Health Sciences Library
115Hedrick Building
116Henry Stadium
117Hickerson House (Urban Studies)
118Hill Commercial Bldg.
119Hill Hall (Art, Asian Studies)
120Hill Hall Annex (Music)
121Hinton (James Residence Hall)
122Hooker Field
123Hooker Research Center, Michael (Public Health)
124Horney Building Annex
125Horney Building, Giles F. (Facilities Planning/Services)
126Horton, George Moses
127Hospitals, UNC
128House Undergraduate Library, Robert B.
129Howell Hall
130Hyde (Arts and Humanities Institute)
131ITS Franklin (440 East Franklin St.)
132ITS Manning (211 Manning Dr.)
133Jackson Circle Parking Deck
134Jackson Hall, Blyden and Roberta H.
135Johnston Institute for Undergraduate Excellence at Graham Memorial
136Joint Child Care Center
137Jones Bldg., Mary Ellen (Microbiology, Immunology)
138Joyner (Residence Hall)
139Kenan (Residence Hall)
140Kenan Center of North Carolina
141Kenan Football Center, Frank H.
142Kenan Labs (Chemistry)
143Kenan Music Bldg.
144Kenan Stadium
145Kerr Hall (School of Pharmacy)
146Kessing Swimming Pool
147Knapp - Sanders Bldg. (School of Government)
148Koury Natatorium (in Smith Center)
149Koury Residence Hall
150Lenoir Hall (Auxiliary Enterprises - Gen. Adm.)
151Lewis (Residence Hall)
152Lineberger Cancer Research Center
153Loudermilk Center for Excellence
154Loudermilk Hall (Rizzo Center - Kenan-Flagler Bus.)
155Love House and Hutchins Forum
156M.L. King, Jr. Blvd., 720 (Institute on Aging)
157MacNider Hall (School of Medicine)
158Mail Center (in Bioinformatics)
159Mangum (Residence Hall)
160Manly (Residence Hall)
161Manning Hall (Sch. of Info. & Lib. Sci., [SILS], Odum Inst.)
162Marsico Hall
163McCaskill Soccer Center
164McColl Building (Kenan-Flagler Business School)
165McCorkle Place
166McGavran Greenberg Hall (Health Policy, Biostatistics)
168McLean Hall (Rizzo Conference Center Residence Hall)
169Medical Biomolecular Research Bldg. (MBRB)
170Medical Research Building B
171Medical School Bldg.
172Medical School Wing B
173Medical School Wing C
174Medical School Wing D
175Medical School Wing E
176Medical School Wing F
177Memorial Grove
178Memorial Hall
179Mitchell Hall (Geological Sciences)
180Molecular Biology Research Lab / Glaxo
181Morehead Chemistry Labs
182Morehead Planetarium and Science Center
183Morrison (Residence Hall)
184Murphey Hall (Classics)
185Murray Hall (Science Complex, Phase II)
186N. C. Memorial Hospital
187N. C. Neurosciences Hospital
188N. C. Women's and Children's Hospital
189N.C. Area Health Education Center
190N.C. Cancer Hospital
191Naval Armory (Naval Science NROTC)
192NC 54 Park and Ride (off Friday Center Drive)
193Neurosciences Research Bldg. (NSRB)
194New West (Asian Studies)
195North Carolina Botanical Garden
196Old East
197Old Well
198Old West
199Outdoor Education Center
200Parker (Residence Hall)
201Paul Green Theatre
202Peabody Hall (School of Education)
203Person Hall (Music)
204Pettigrew Hall (Scholarships & Student Aid, Equal Op.)
205Phillips Annex (Economics)
206Phillips Hall (Mathematics, Physics-Astronomy)
207Pit, The
208Playmakers Theatre (Dramatic Art) Old, Smith Hall
209Polk Place
210Porthole Building
211President's House
212Public Safety Building
213Radiological Research Bldg. (Formerly MRI)
214Ram Village at Paul Hardin Dr., Bldg. 1
215Ram Village at Paul Hardin Dr., Bldg. 3
216Ram Village at Williamson Dr., Bldg. 5
217Rams Head Center Convenience Store
218Rams Head Center Parking Deck
219Rams Head Center Recreation Bldg.
220Rizzo Conference Center at Meadowmont
221Rosenau Hall (Public Health, Maternal & Child Health)
222Ruffin (Residence Hall)
223Saunders Hall (Geography, Religious Studies)
224School Leadership Development Center
225School of Government and Parking Deck
226Service Station
227Sheps Building (725 M. L. King, Jr. Blvd.)
228Sitterson Hall, Joseph Carlyle (Computer Science)
229Smith Building, Mary Ann (Statistics and Operations)
230Smith Field House, Eddie
231Smith Student Activities Center, Dean E.
232South Building (Chancellor, Provost, Office of Fin. & Adm., Res. & Econ, Diversity/Multicultural)
233Spencer (Residence Hall)
234Stacy (Residence Hall)
235Stallings - Evans Sports Medicine Center
236Steele Building (Academic Advising, Undergrad. Ed.)
237Stone Center, Sonya (Inst. of African American Res.)
238Student and Academic Services Bldg. - North (SASB)
239Student and Academic Services Bldg. - South (SASB)
240Student Recreation Center
241Student Union, Frank Porter Graham (Carolina Union)
242Surplus Property Warehouse
243Swain Hall (Communications Studies, Eng. & Comp. Lit.)
244Tarrson Hall (Diagnostic Science and Gen. Dentistry)
245Tate - Turner - Kuralt Bldg. (School of Social Work)
246Taylor Campus Health Services Building, James
247Taylor Hall, Isaac (Cell and Devel. Biology)
248Taylor Hall, Nelson Ferebee at Ram Village
249Teague (Residence Hall)
250Thurston-Bowles Bldg.
251Tomkins Chilled Water Operation Center, Gary R.
252Totten Garden Center (N. C. Botanical Garden)
253University Square
254Van Hecke - Wettach Hall (School of Law)
255Vance Hall (Scholarships and Student Aid)
256Venable (Science Complex, Phase II)
257Visitor Education Center, N.C. Botanical Garden
258Visitors' Center (at Morehead Planetarium)
259Whitehead (Residence Hall)
260Williams Field
261Williamson Athletic Center, Ernie
262Wilson Hall (Biology)
263Wilson Library (Special Collections)
264Winston (Residence Hall)
265Woollen Gymnasium (Exercise and Sports Science)
266WUNC-FM Radio (Goodmon Bldg.)
267YMCA Building

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