Young Research Library (YRL) at UCLA

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11001 Gayley Ave
210960 Wilshire Boulevard
3580 Cafe
4720 Hilgard Apartments
5824 Hilgard Apartments
6911 South Broxton Ave
7Ackerman Union
8Acosta Training Center
9Aloe Court Apartments
10Anderson Cafe
11Anderson School of Management
12Arts Library
13Ashe Center
14Biomedical Cyclotron Facility
15Biomedical Library
16Biomedical Sciences Research Bldg (BSRB)
17Blaze Pizza
19Boelter Hall
20Boyer Hall
21Bradley Hall
22Brain Mapping Center (BMC)
23Brain Research Institute (BRI)
24Broad Art Center
25Broxton Plaza
26Bruin Bear Statue
27Bruin Buzz (Avenue A, A-Level)
28Bruin Cafe Express
29Bruin Plate
30Bruin Plaza
31Bruin Walk
32Bunche Hall
33Bus Terminal (Hilgard)
34Cafe 1919
35Cafe 451
36Cafe Med
37Cafe Synapse
38California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI)
39Campbell Hall
40Campus Services Building 1
41Canfield Apartments
42Canyon Point
43Capital Programs
44Carl's Jr.
45Carnesale Commons
46Centennial Hall
47Center for Health Sciences (CHS)
48Central Ticket Office
49Clarington Apartments
50Clinical Research
51College Library
52Collins Center
53Cornell Grove
54Cornell Hall
55Court of Philanthropy
56Court of Sciences
57Court of Sciences Store
58Court of Sciences Student Center
60Covel Commons
62Cypress Court Apartments
63Dachi Asian Snacks
64De Neve Acacia
65De Neve Birch
66De Neve Cedar
67De Neve Commons (DN)
68De Neve Dogwood
69De Neve Evergreen
70De Neve Fir
71De Neve Gardenia
72De Neve Holly
74Delta Terrace
75Dickson Court
76Dickson Court North
77Dickson Court South
78Dodd Hall
79Doris Stein Eye Research Center
80Drake Track and Field Stadium
81Dykstra Hall
82Easton Softball Stadium
83El Pollo Loco
84Emergency Center (Hospital)
85Energy Zone
86Engineering 4 (ENGR 4)
87Engineering 5 (ENGR 5)
88Engineering 6 (ENGR 6)
89Entrepreneurs Hall
90Environmental Health and Safety Services Building (EH&S)
92Epicuria at Ackerman
93Facilities Management
94Factor Health Sciences
95Faculty Center
96Faculty Center Member Dining
97Faculty Levering Apartments
98Faculty Weyburn Apartments
99Faculty Wilkins Apartments
100Family Pool
101FEAST at Rieber
102Fernald Child Development Center
103Fielding School of Public Health
104Fire Station 37
106Fleet Services / Garage
107Football Equipment Building
108Founder's Rock
109Fowler Amphitheater
110Fowler Museum
111Franz Hall
113Gayley Court Apartments
114Gayley Heights Apartments
115Gayley Towers Apartments
116Geffen Academy
117Geffen Hall
118Geffen Playhouse
119Geology Building
120Glenrock Apartments
121Glenrock West Apartments
122Gold Hall
123Goldberg Medical Building
124Gonda Neuroscience and Genetic Research Center
126Haines Hall
127Hammer Museum
128Harvest Market Asian Sandwiches
129Health Sciences Store
130Hedrick Hall
131Hedrick Summit
132Hershey Hall
133Hilgard Bus Terminal
134Hill Top Shop
135Hitch Suites
136Hitch Suites - A
137Hitch Suites - B
138Hitch Suites - Basketball Courts
139Hitch Suites - C
140Hitch Suites - Commons
141Hitch Suites - D
142Intramural Playing Fields
143Inverted Fountain
144Irma and Norman Switzer Plaza
145Jacaranda Court Apartments
146James West Alumni Center
147Janss Steps
148Jimmy's Coffee House
149John Wooden Center
150John Wooden Center West
151Jules Stein Eye Institute
152Kaplan Hall
153Kaufman Hall
154Kerckhoff Coffee House
155Kerckhoff Hall
156Keystone Mentone Apartments - A
157Keystone Mentone Apartments - B
158Keystone Mentone Apartments - C
159Keystone Mentone Apartments - D
160Kikka Sushi Udon
161Kinross Recreation Center
162Kinross South
163Kinsey Science Teaching Pavilion
164Kneller House
165Knudsen Hall
166Korn Convocation Hall
167Krieger A
168Krieger B
169Krieger C
170Krieger Child Care Center
171Krieger D
172La Kretz Botany Building
173La Kretz Garden Pavilion
174La Kretz Hall
175Landfair Apartments
176Landfair Vista Apartments
177Laurel Apartments
178Law Library
179Levering Terrace Apartments
180Life Sciences
181Lollicup Fresh
182Los Angeles Tennis Center (LATC)
183Lu Valle Commons
184Lu Valle Commons Store
185Lucia's Pizza
186Luskin Conference Center
187Luskin School of Public Affairs
188MacDonald Medical Research Laboratories (MRL)
189Macgowan Hall
190Macgowan Hall East
191Magnolia Court Apartments
192Manoukian Medical Building
193Marion Anderson Hall
194Marion Davies Children's Center (MDCC)
195Marshall Field
196Mathematical Sciences
197Mattel Children's Hospital
198Melnitz Hall
199Melnitz Hall East
200Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden (MEMBG)
201Mo Ostin Basketball Center
202Molecular Sciences Building
203Moore Hall
204Morgan Center
205Morton Medical Building
206Mullin Management Commons
207Murphy Hall
208Murphy Sculpture Garden
209Music Cafe
210Music Library (Room 1102)
211Neuroscience Research Building
212North Campus Poke Bowl
213North Campus Salad Bar
214North Campus Shop
215North Campus Student Center
216North Pole Premium Yogurt
217North Pool
218Northern Lights
219Northwest Campus Auditorium
220Occupational Health Facility
221Olive Court Apartments
222Olympic Hall
223Oppenheimer Tower
224Orthopaedic Hospital Research Center (OHRC)
225Ostin Music Center
226Palm Court Apartments
227Palo Verde Apartments
228Panda Express
229Park Pool
230Park Wilshire Faculty Apartments
231Parking Lot - Lot 11
232Parking Lot - Lot DD
233Parking Lot - Parking Structure 1
234Parking Lot - Parking Structure 18 CHS South
235Parking Lot - Parking Structure 2
236Parking Lot - Parking Structure 27
237Parking Lot - Parking Structure 3
238Parking Lot - Parking Structure 32
239Parking Lot - Parking Structure 35
240Parking Lot - Parking Structure 37
241Parking Lot - Parking Structure 38
242Parking Lot - Parking Structure 39
243Parking Lot - Parking Structure 4
244Parking Lot - Parking Structure 5
245Parking Lot - Parking Structure 7
246Parking Lot - Parking Structure 8
247Parking Lot - Parking Structure 9
248Parking Lot - Parking Structure RC
249Pauley Pavilion
250Perloff Hall
251Physics and Astronomy Building (PAB)
252Pizza Fresca
253Plant Growth Center
254Police Station
255Portola Plaza Building
256Powell Library
257Pritzker Hall
258Psychology Building
259Public Affairs Building
260Reed Neurological Research Center
261Rehabilitation Center
263Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital
264Revive Cafe
265Rieber Hall
266Rieber Terrace (RT)
267Rieber Vista (RV)
268Rolfe Hall
269Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center
270Rose Avenue Apartments, 11130 Rose Ave
271Rose Avenue Apartments, 11140 Rose Ave
272Rosenfeld Hall
273Rosenfeld Library
274Royce Hall
277Saxon Suites - Commons
278Saxon Suites - E
279Saxon Suites - F
280Saxon Suites - G
281Saxon Suites - H
282Saxon Suites - J
283Saxon Suites - K
284Schoenberg Music Building
285School of Dentistry
286School of Education and Information Studies (SEIS)
287School of Law
288School of Medicine
289School of Nursing
290Science & Engineering Library (SEL)
291Science and Engineering Library (Geology)
292Science and Technology Research Building (STRB)
293ScrubJay Cafe
294SEAS Cafe
295Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior
296Shapiro Fountain
297Slichter Hall
298Southern Lights
299Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF)
300Southwest Campus Apartments
301Spaulding Field
302Spieker Aquatics Center
303Sproul Cove
304Sproul Hall
305Sproul Landing
307Straus Stadium
308Student Activities Center (SAC)
310Sunset Amphitheater
311Sunset Canyon Recreation Center (SCRC)
312Sunset Tennis Courts
313Sycamore Court Apartments
314Sycamore Tennis Courts
315Taco Bell
316Terasaki Life Sciences Building
317Terrace Food Court
318The Boulevard Apartments
319The Drey
320The Inn at UCLA
321The Lighter Side
322The Study at Hedrick
323Tipuana Apartments
324Tiverton House
325Tomodachi Sushi
326Transit Operations Maintenance Yard
327UCLA Extension Gayley Center
328UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center
329UCLA Extension Westwood Center
330UCLA Extension Westwood Village Center
331UCLA Lab School 1
332UCLA Lab School 2
333UCLA Lab School, Seeds Campus
334UCLA Store at Ackerman Union
335UCLA Store at Lu Valle
336UCLA Westwood Center
337Ueberroth Building
338University Residence
339University Village Sawtelle Apartments
340Upper Picnic Area Modular Units
341Veggie Grill
342Venice / Barry Apartments
343Village Terrace Apartments
344Wallis Annenberg Stadium
345Wasserman Building
346Wasserman Football Center
347West Medical
348West Medical Steam Plant
349Westwood Chateau Apartments
350Westwood Palm Apartments
351Wetzel's Pretzels
352Weyburn Commons
353Weyburn Paseo (Graduate Student Housing)
354William Andrews Clark Memorial Library
355Wilshire Center
356Wilson Plaza
358Young Hall
359Young Research Library (YRL)

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