Afro-American Cultural Center (AACC) at University of Iowa

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1108 River Street (RIV8)
2111 Church Street (CHST)
32100 James Street (TNSW)
42656 Crosspark Road (MTP2)
52660 Crosspark Road (MTP1)
62662 Crosspark Road (MTP4)
7401 Westcor Drive (WCOR)
8Adler Journalism and Mass Communication Building (AJB)
9Afro-American Cultural Center (AACC)
10Art Building (AB)
11Art Building West (ABW)
12Asian Pacific American Cultural Center (APAC)
13Becker Communication Studies Building (BCSB)
14Beckwith Boathouse (BBH)
15Biology Building (BB)
16Biology Building East (BBE)
17Blank Honors Center (BHC)
18Bloomington House (BHS)
19Bowen Science Building (BSB)
20Bowman House (BH)
21Boyd Law Building (BLB)
22Boyd Tower (BT)
23Burge Hall (B)
24Calvin Hall (CALH)
25Cambus Maintenance Facility (CMF)
26Campus Recreation and Wellness Center (CRWC)
27Carver Biomedical Research Building (CBRB)
28Carver Pavilion (RCP)
29Carver-Hawkeye Arena (CHA)
30Center for Disabilities and Development (CDD)
31Chemistry Building (CB)
32Chilled Water Plant 1 (CWP)
33Chilled Water Plant 2 (West) (CWP2)
34Clinton Street Building (CLSB)
35Clinton Street Music 375 (CSM5)
36Clinton Street Music 376 (CSM6)
37College of Medicine Administration Building (CMAB)
38College of Public Health Building (CPHB)
39Colloton Pavilion (JCP)
40Communications Center (CC)
41Continuing Education Facility (CEF)
42Coral Center (CCTR)
43Currier Hall (C)
44Danforth Chapel (DC)
45Daum Hall (D)
46Dental Science Building (DSB)
47Dey House (DH)
48Duane Banks Field (BASE)
49Eckstein Medical Research Building (EMRB)
50Emergency Power Facility 1 (EPF1)
51Engineering Research Facility (ERF)
52English - Philosophy Building (EPB)
53Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHS)
54Environmental Health and Safety Office No. 2 (EHS2)
55Environmental Health and Safety Office No. 3 (EHS3)
56Environmental Health and Safety Office No. 4 (EHS4)
57Environmental Management Facility (EMF)
58Field Hockey Event Management Box (FHEM)
59Field Hockey Grandstand (FHG)
60Field House (FH)
61Finkbine Golf Club House (FGCH)
62Finkbine Maintenance Building (FMB)
63Finkbine Shop Facility (FSF)
64Fleet Services (FS)
65General Hospital (GH)
66Gerdin Athletic Learning Center (GALC)
67Gilmore Hall (GILH)
68Glenn Schaeffer Library (GSL)
69Halsey Hall (HH)
70Hansen Football Performance Center (HFPC)
71Hardin Library for Health Sciences (HLHS)
72Hawkeye Court Apartments (HCA)
73Hawkeye Drive Apartments (HDA)
74Hawkeye Oral Surgery Clinic (HOSC)
75Hawkeye Recreation Service Building (HRSB)
76Hawkeye Tennis and Recreation Complex (HTRC)
77Heinz Road Annex (HRA)
78Hillcrest Hall (H)
79Hoak Family Golf Complex (HFGC)
80Hope Lodge (HOPE)
81Hospital Parking Ramp 1 (HPR1)
82Hospital Parking Ramp 3 (HPR3)
83Hydraulics Annex 1 (HA1)
84Hydraulics Annex 2 (HA2)
85Hydraulics East Annex (HLEA)
86Hydraulics Model Annex (HLMA)
87Hydraulics Wave Basin Facility (HWBF)
88Hydraulics Wind Tunnel Annex (HWTA)
89Information Technology Facility (ITF)
90Innovation and Collaboration Lab (ICL)
91Institute for Rural and Environmental Health (IREH)
92Institute of Public Affairs (IPA)
93Iowa Advanced Technology Laboratories (IATL)
94Iowa Geological Survey - Oakdale (OIGS)
95Iowa Hawk Shop Outlet (GSB)
96Iowa Memorial Union (IMU)
97Iowa Memorial Union Parking Ramp (IMUR)
98James Street Laboratory (JSL)
99Jefferson Building (JB)
100Jessup Hall (JH)
101Karro Athletic Hall of Fame (KHF)
102Kinnick Stadium (KS)
103Kuhl House (KH)
104Lagoon Shelter House (LSHS)
105Landscape Services Complex (LSC)
106Latino-Native American Cultural Center (LNAC)
107Laundry (L)
108Laundry Building (Old) (LB)
109Law Admissions Building (LAB)
110Law Faculty Research (LFR)
111Law, Health Policy and Disability Center (LHPD)
112Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center (LGBT)
113Levitt Center for University Advancement (LCUA)
114Liberty Square (LS)
115Lindquist Center (LC)
116Linn Street Place (LSP)
117Macbride Hall (MH)
118MacLean Hall (MLH)
119Madison Street Services Building (MSSB)
120Main Library (LIB)
121Mayflower Hall (M)
122Medical Education Building (MEB)
123Medical Education Research Facility (MERF)
124Medical Laboratories (ML)
125Medical Research Center (MRC)
126Medical Research Facility (MRF)
127Melrose Avenue Parking Facility - Hospital Parking Ramp 4 (MAPF)
128Mossman Business Services Building (MBSB)
129Multi -Tenant Facility (MTF)
130Music West (MW)
131National Advanced Driving Simulator Building (NADS)
132Newton Road Ramp (NRP)
133North Campus Parking and Chilled Water Facility (NCP)
134North Hall (NH)
135Nursing Building (CNB)
136Oakdale Research Facilities (ORF)
137Oakdale Shops Building A (OSBA)
138Oakdale Studio A (STUA)
139Oakdale Utility Power Plant (OPP)
140Old Capitol (OC)
141Pappajohn Business Building (PBB)
142Pappajohn Pavilion (JPP)
143Parklawn Hall (PARK)
144Pearl Softball Field (SS)
145Pharmacy Building (PHAR)
146Phillips Hall (PH)
147Physiology Research Laboratory (PRL)
148Plaza Centre One (PCO)
149Pomerantz Center (PC)
150Pomerantz Family Pavilion (PFP)
151Power Plant (PP)
152Presidents Residence (PR)
153Public Library Training Facility (PLTF)
154Quadrangle Hall (Q)
155Rainbow Day Care (BWCC)
156Recreation Building (RB)
157Research Park Landscape Service (RPLS)
158Rienow Hall (R)
159Riverside Recital Hall (RRH)
160Ronald McDonald House (RMCD)
161Sand Road Service Building (SRSB)
162Schaeffer Hall (SH)
163Sciences Library (SL)
164Seamans Center (SC)
165Seashore Hall (SSH)
166Shambaugh House (SHSE)
167Shipping and Receiving Facility (SRF)
168Slater Hall (S)
169South Capitol Services Building (SCSB)
170South Quad (SQ)
171South Wing (SW)
172Spence Labs (SLP)
173Sports Medicine Clinic (OSMR)
174Stanley Hall (STAN)
175Stanley Hydraulics Laboratory (SHL)
176State Historical Society Building (SHSB)
177State Hygienic Laboratory - Iowa City (HLI)
178Studio Arts (SA)
179Stuit Hall (STH)
180Technology Innovation Center (TIC)
181Theatre Building (TB)
182Trowbridge Hall (TH)
183UI Bioventures Center (BVC)
184University Capitol Centre (UCC)
185University Club (UAC)
186University Parent Care Collective (UPCC)
187University Services Building (USB)
188Van Allen Hall (VAN)
189Volatile Storage (VS)
190Water Plant (WP)
191Waterman Iowa Nonprofit Resource Center (INRC)
192Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center (SHC)
193West Campus Steam Plant (WCSP)
194West Campus Transportation Center (WCTC)
195Westlawn (WL)
196Womens Resource and Action Center (WRAC)

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