Byron C. Wright Administration Building (WA) at USI

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2Applied Engineering Center (AE)
3Art Studio (AS)
4Baker Building (BK)
5Bayh Building (BY)
6Bent Twig Outdoor Education Center (BT)
7Bigger Building (BG)
9Boon Building (BN)
10Bowen Building (BW)
11Branch Building (BC)
12Branigin Building (BR)
13Breckinridge Cabin
14Business and Engineering Center (BE)
15Byron C. Wright Administration Building (WA)
16Carter Hall
17Ceramics Center (CC)
18Chase Building (CS)
19Children's Learning Center (CN)
20Copy Center
21Craig Building (CR)
22David L. Rice Library (RL)
23Dunning Building (DN)
24Durbin Building (DR)
25Education Center (ED)
26Eicher Barn
27Fair Residence Life Center (RES)
28Forum Lecture Halls (1,2 and 3)
29Forum Wing (FA)
30Gates Building (GS)
31Goodrich Building (GO)
32Governors Hall (GV)
33Gray Building (GR)
34Grimes Haus
35Grounds Center (GC)
36Hammond Building (HM)
37Hanly Building (HN)
38Health Professions Center (HP)
39Hendricks Building (HS)
40Herb Garden
41Hovey Building (HV)
42IU School of Medicine - Evansville
43Jackson Building (JC)
44Jennings Building (JN)
45Kleymeyer Hall
46Lane Building (LN)
47Leslie Building (LS)
48Liberal Arts Center (LA)
49Mallette Studio Theatre
50Marshall Building (MR)
51Matthews Building (MA)
52McCray Building (MC)
53McCutchan Art Center
54McNutt Building (NT)
55Mitchell Auditorium
56Morton Building (MN)
57Mount Building (MO)
58Newman Hall (NE)
59Noble Building (NO)
60O'Bannon Hall (OB)
61Orr Building (OR)
62Photography and Multimedia
63Physical Activites Center (PAC)
64Physical Plant Service Center (PP)
65Porter Building (PR)
66Publishing Services Center (PUB)
67Ralston Building (RL)
68Ray Building (RY)
69Recreation, Fitness, and Wellness Center (FC)
70Residence Life Community Center (RC)
71Residence Life Service Center (RS)
73Robert D. Orr Center (OC)
74Ruston Hall (RS)
75Saletta Building (SA)
76Schricker Building (SR)
77Security Building - including Parking Department (SB)
78Support Services Center (SS)
79Teaching Theatre (TT)
80Technology Center (TC)
82Townsend Building (TO)
83University Center East (UC)
84University Center West (UC)
85USI Foundation (FO)
86Wallace Building (WA)
87Welsh Building (WE)
88Westwood Lodge
89Whitcomb Building (WH)
90Willard Building (WI)
91Williams Building (WL)
92Wright Building (WR)

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