1 | 125th Anniversary Fountain |
2 | 3434 S. Grand Building (CAL) |
3 | Accounting Library (ACC Room 105) |
4 | Admission Center |
5 | Ahmanson Center (ACB) |
6 | Ahn House (AHN) |
7 | Allyson Felix Field |
8 | Alpha Gamma Omega |
9 | Alumni House (ALM) |
10 | Alumni Park |
11 | Alumni Plaza |
12 | Amelia Taper Garden |
13 | American Button Manufacturing Building (ABM) |
14 | Andrus Gerontology Center (GER) |
15 | Anna Bing Arnold Child Care Center (ABA) |
16 | Anna Bing Arnold Child Care Center Annex (ABX) |
17 | Annenberg Auditorium (ASC) |
18 | Annenberg House (ANH) |
19 | Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism (ASC) |
20 | Architecture and Fine Arts Library |
21 | Aresty Conference Center (NRT) |
22 | Argue Plaza |
23 | Argue Plaza Fountain |
24 | Associates Park |
25 | Basketball Courts |
26 | Bel-Air Apartments (BAA) |
27 | Biegler Hall (BHE) |
28 | Bing Theatre (BIT) |
29 | Birnkrant Residential College (BSR) |
30 | Bishop Medical Teaching and Research Building (BMT) |
31 | Blacklist Art Installation |
32 | Bogardus Courtyard |
33 | Bohnett Residential College (NBC) |
34 | Booth Hall (BMH) |
35 | Bovard Administration Building (ADM) |
36 | Bovard Auditorium (ADM) |
37 | Brain and Creativity Institute (BCI) |
38 | Brian Kennedy Field |
39 | Bridge Hall (BRI) |
40 | Brittingham Intramural Field (BIM) |
41 | Broad CIRM Center (BCC) |
42 | Brooks Pavilion (BDF) |
43 | Cafe 84 (KOH) |
44 | Cafe Annenberg (ANN) |
45 | Cale Residential College (CIC) |
46 | California Plaza (CPB) |
47 | California Science Center |
48 | Cammilleri Hall |
49 | Campus Development and Facilities Management (CDF) |
50 | Cancer Research Laboratory (CRL) |
51 | Cardinal 'n' Gold |
52 | Cardinal Gardens (CAR) |
53 | Carolyn Craig Franklin Library Garden Courtyard |
54 | Carson Center (CTV) |
55 | Carson Soundstage (CTV 136) |
56 | Centennial Apartments (CEN) |
57 | Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CAM) |
58 | Center for the Health Professions (CHP) |
59 | Century Apartments (CAP) |
60 | Chabad at USC |
61 | Chez Ronnee (CHE) |
62 | Childs Way East Entrance |
63 | Childs Way West Entrance |
64 | Cinema Figueroa Building |
65 | Cinematic Arts Library |
66 | Cinematic Arts Station (SCS) |
67 | CitiGroup Center (CGC) |
68 | Clinical Administration Building (CLB) |
69 | Clinical Sciences Annex (CSA) |
70 | Clinical Sciences Building (CSC) |
71 | Clinical Sciences Parking Lot (L17) |
72 | Colich Track and Field Center (CTF) |
73 | College Academic Services Building (CAS) |
74 | College House (CLH) |
75 | College Residence Hall (COL) |
76 | Corsica (COR) |
77 | Cowlings Residential College (CRC) |
78 | Crocker Plaza |
79 | Currie Hall |
80 | Currie Hall Phase 2 (CHD) |
81 | Dauterive Hall (VPD) |
82 | Davidson Continuing Education Center (DCC) |
83 | Dedeaux Field (BDF) |
84 | Denney Research Center (DRB) |
85 | Department of Public Safety (PSA) |
86 | Doheny Memorial Library (DML) |
87 | Doheny Vision Research Center (Closed) (DOH) |
88 | Dornsife Cognitive Neuroscience Imaging Center (DNI) |
89 | Douglas Fairbanks Statue and Fountain |
90 | Dr. Joseph Medicine Crow Center (DMC) |
91 | Dramatic Arts Building (DAB) |
92 | E. F. Hutton Park |
93 | East Library Building (ELB) |
94 | Eastlake Lot (L31) |
95 | Edmondson Faculty Center (EFC) |
96 | Egg Company (EGG) |
97 | Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis Center (CEM) |
98 | Elisabeth Von KleinSmid Memorial Residence Hall (EVK) |
99 | Engemann Student Health Center (ESH) |
100 | Enrollment Services (JHH) |
101 | Epstein Family Plaza |
102 | Everybody's Kitchen (EVK) |
103 | Exposition Park |
104 | Facilities Management Services (FMS) |
105 | Facilities Trailer One |
106 | Fagg Gardens |
107 | Fairmont Apartments (FMT) |
108 | Fertitta Hall (JFF) |
109 | Figueroa Building (FIG) |
110 | Flower Street Parking Structure (PSO / Parking Structure One) |
111 | Founders Apartments (FSA) |
112 | Founders Park |
113 | Froehlich Gateway and Grove |
114 | Gabilan Courtyard |
115 | Galen Center (GEC) |
116 | Garden Plaza |
117 | Gaughan & Tiberti Library (JFF 1st Floor) |
118 | Gavin Herbert Plaza |
119 | General Labs Building (GLB) |
120 | Generations Art Installation |
121 | George Tirebiter |
122 | Gerontology Library (GER) |
123 | Ginsburg Hall |
124 | Golf Practice Facility (GPC) |
125 | Grace Ford Salvatori Hall (GFS) |
126 | Graduate Fine Arts Building (IFT) |
127 | Grand Avenue Library (CAL) |
128 | Great Lawn |
129 | Habitat Soozee (HAS) |
130 | Hahn Plaza |
131 | Hall Building (HSH) |
132 | Hancock Foundation Building (AHF) |
133 | Hancock Memorial Museum (AHF) |
134 | Harlyne J. Norris Cancer Research Tower (NRT) |
135 | Harris Hall (HAR) |
136 | Health Research Association (HRA) |
137 | Health Sciences Campus Child Care Center (CCC) |
138 | Health Sciences DWP Electrical Vault (EVH) |
139 | Healthcare Center 1 (HC1) |
140 | Healthcare Center 4 (HC4) |
141 | Hebrew Union College (HUC) |
142 | Hedco Chemical Engineering (HED) |
143 | Hedco Neurosciences Building (HNB) |
144 | Helena Apartments (HAP) |
145 | Henry Thomas Hazard Park |
146 | Heritage Hall (HER) |
147 | Herklotz Courtyard |
148 | Hillel Jewish Center |
149 | Hillview Apartments (HIL) |
150 | Hinderstein Garden |
151 | Hoffman Hall (HOH) |
152 | Hoffman Medical Research Center (HMR) |
153 | Hoose Library of Philosophy (MHP) |
154 | Housing Services (PSX) |
155 | Howard Jones Field |
156 | Hubbard Hall (JHH) |
157 | Hughes Aircraft Electrical Engineering Center (EEB) |
158 | Hyatt House Hotel (HHH) |
159 | Illium Residential College (CRC) |
160 | International Plaza |
161 | International Residential College at Parkside (IRC) |
162 | Interns and Residents Dormitory (IRD) |
163 | Iovine and Young Hall (IYH) |
164 | Irani Hall (RRI) |
165 | Irani Residential College |
166 | Jaques Plaza |
167 | Jefferson Building (JEF) |
168 | John McKay Center (JMC) |
169 | John Stauffer Pharmaceutical Sciences Center (PSC) |
170 | John Williams Scoring Stage (JWS) |
171 | Joint Educational Project House (JEP) |
172 | Kaprielian Hall (KAP) |
173 | Kaufman International Dance Center (KDC) |
174 | Keck Cafeteria (KH) |
175 | Keck Hospital of USC (KH) |
176 | Keck Hospital of USC Norris Tower (UHT) |
177 | Keck Hospital Valet Parking (VP) |
178 | Keith Administration Building (KAM) |
179 | Kennedy Plaza |
180 | Kerckhoff Carriage House (KCH) |
181 | Kerckhoff Hall (KER) |
182 | King Hall (KOH) |
183 | King Hall Computer Center (KOH Room 206) |
184 | King Stoops Hall (KSH) |
185 | Korean American Museum |
186 | KSCR Radio (TCC) |
187 | KUSC (MLP) |
188 | La Sorbonne (LAB) |
189 | LAC + USC Medical Center - General Hospital |
190 | Law Library (LAW) |
191 | Law School Cafe (LAW) |
192 | Lazzaro Plaza |
193 | Leavey Information Commons (LVL) |
194 | Leavey Library (LVL) |
195 | Leavey Library Reflecting Pool |
196 | Leventhal School of Accounting (ACC) |
197 | Lewis Hall (RGL) |
198 | Lindhurst Architecture Gallery (WAH) |
199 | Lindhurst Fine Arts Gallery (WAH) |
200 | LIPA Library (Library for International & Public Affairs) |
201 | LiteraTea Teahouse (DML) |
202 | Little Chapel of Silence (TGF) |
203 | Little Galen (GAP) |
204 | Livingston Research Annex (LRA) |
205 | Livingston Research Building (LRB) |
206 | Loker Hydrocarbon Research Institute (LHI) |
207 | Loker Track Stadium (LTS) |
208 | Los Angeles General Medical Center (LA General) |
209 | Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum |
210 | Lyon Center (LRC) |
211 | MacDonald Becket Center (MBC) |
212 | MacDonald Recital Hall (MUS) |
213 | Mail Stop (PSX) |
214 | Manor Apartments (MAB) |
215 | Mardette Apartments |
216 | Marks Tennis Stadium (MTX) |
217 | Marks Tower (DMT) |
218 | Martens Plaza |
219 | Max Kade House (GEX) |
220 | May Ormerod Harris Residence Hall (HRH) |
221 | Mayer Auditorium |
222 | McAlister Academic Resource Center (MAR) |
223 | McAlister Soccer Field (See Rawlinson Stadium) |
224 | McCarthy Honors Residential College (MHC) |
225 | McCarthy Quad |
226 | McCarthy Way Parking Structure (PSX / Parking Structure X) |
227 | McClintock Building and Theatre (MCC) |
228 | McClintock Lawn |
229 | McCulloch Townhomes (MCT) |
230 | McKay's (RMH) |
231 | McKibben Addition (MCA) |
232 | McKibben Hall (MCH) |
233 | McMorrow Residential College (MRC) |
234 | Medical Oncology Lab (MOL) |
235 | Merle Norman Stadium |
236 | Meyer Plaza |
237 | Michelson Hall (MCB) |
238 | Montgomery Ross Fisher Building (MRF) |
239 | Moreton Fig (TCC) |
240 | Moulton Organic Chemistry Wing (OCW) |
241 | Moving Image Archive (NCT) |
242 | Mudd Hall (MHP) |
243 | Mudd Hall of Philosophy Courtyard |
244 | Mudd Memorial Research Building (MMR) |
245 | Musick Law Building (LAW) |
246 | Natural History Museum (NHM) |
247 | Nazarian Pavilion (DML) |
248 | Neely Petroleum Engineering (PCE) |
249 | Nemirovsky Residential College (NBC) |
250 | New North Residential College (NRC) |
251 | Newman Recital Hall (AHF) |
252 | Nisei Rock Garden |
253 | Noble Plaza |
254 | Norman Topping Tower (NTT) |
255 | Norris Cinema Theatre (NCT) |
256 | Norris Dental Science Center (DEN) |
257 | Norris Healthcare Center (HC3) |
258 | Norris Medical Library (NML) |
259 | Ogasawara Plaza |
260 | Old Entrance Fountain |
261 | Olin Hall (OHE) |
262 | ONE Archives |
263 | Ostrow Faculty Practice (ESH) |
264 | Outpatient Department (OPD) |
265 | Pacific Apartments (PCA) |
266 | Panda Express (TCC) |
267 | Pappas Quad |
268 | Pardee Lawn |
269 | Pardee Plaza |
270 | Pardee Tower (PTD) |
271 | Parking Lot - Biggy Street Parking Structure (P8) |
272 | Parking Lot - Consolidated Lot (L21) |
273 | Parking Lot - Downey Way Parking Structure (PSA / Parking Structure A) |
274 | Parking Lot - Figueroa Street Parking Structure (PS2 / Parking Structure Two) |
275 | Parking Lot - Grand Avenue Parking Structure (UPX) |
276 | Parking Lot - Healthcare Center 4 Parking Garage (HC4) |
277 | Parking Lot - HSC Lot 70 (L33) |
278 | Parking Lot - HSC Lot 71 (P10) |
279 | Parking Lot - Jefferson Boulevard Parking Structure (PSB / Parking Structure B) |
280 | Parking Lot - Keck Hospital Parking Structure (P6) |
281 | Parking Lot - Norfolk Lot (L25) |
282 | Parking Lot - O'Neil Lot |
283 | Parking Lot - Parkview Lot (P7) |
284 | Parking Lot - Royal Street Parking Structure (PSD / Parking Structure D) |
285 | Parking Lot - San Pablo Parking Structure (SPS P1) |
286 | Parking Lot - Shrine Parking Structure |
287 | Parking Lot - Soto Lot (L39) |
288 | Parking Lot - USC Village Garage |
289 | Parking Lot - Valley Lot (L41) |
290 | Parking Lot - Wilametta Keck Day Healthcare Parking (HC2 P4) |
291 | Parking Lot 1 (PL1) |
292 | Parking Lot 20 (Alpha Gamma Omega) |
293 | Parking Lot 21 |
294 | Parking Lot 23 (College House) (PL23) |
295 | Parking Lot 27 |
296 | Parking Lot 28 |
297 | Parking Lot 29A |
298 | Parking Lot 29B |
299 | Parking Lot 33 |
300 | Parking Lot 41 (CNG) |
301 | Parking Lot 42 (Cardinal Gardens) (CAR) |
302 | Parking Lot 43 (Cardinal Gardens) (CAR) |
303 | Parking Lot 45 (Centennial Apartments) (CEN) |
304 | Parking Lot 49 (Century Apartments) (CAP) |
305 | Parking Lot 58 (Annenberg House) (ANH) |
306 | Parking Lot 65 (Senator Apartments) (SNA) |
307 | Parking Lot 66 (Seven Gables Apartments) (SGA) |
308 | Parking Lot 67 (Severance Street Apartments) |
309 | Parking Lot 77 (Windsor Apartments) (WIN) |
310 | Parking Lot 81 (Terrace Apartments) (TSA) |
311 | Parking Lot B (PLB) |
312 | Parking Lot C (Credit Union Building) |
313 | Parking Lot SSRI (PLSSRI) |
314 | Parking Lot V (PLV / Parking Lot 5) |
315 | Parking Lot Z (Robert Zemeckis Center) |
316 | Parkside Apartments (PKS) |
317 | Parkside Arts and Humanities Residential College (PRB) |
318 | Parkside Dining Hall |
319 | Phinney Hall (PHH) |
320 | Physical Education Building (PED) |
321 | Pisa (PIA) |
322 | Popovich Cafe (JKP) |
323 | Popovich Hall (JKP) |
324 | Popovich Hall Courtyard |
325 | Powell Hall (PHE) |
326 | Queens Courtyard |
327 | Rainbow Cafe (Basement Floor) |
328 | Ramer Plaza |
329 | Rand Schrader Outpatient Clinic (RSC) |
330 | Rapp Engineering Building (RRB) |
331 | Raubenheimer Music Building (MUS) |
332 | Rawlinson Stadium |
333 | Ray Stark Family Theatre (SCA) |
334 | Regal Rita Apartments |
335 | Regal Trojan Apartments (RTA) |
336 | Regent Apartments (RGA) |
337 | Research Annex / Hoffman Contracts Research Building (RAN) |
338 | Richard K. Eamer Medical Plaza (EMP) |
339 | Robert Wood Plaza |
340 | Roma (ROM) |
341 | Ronald Tutor Campus Center (TCC) |
342 | Rosso's Pizzeria |
343 | Salvatori Computer Science Center (SAL) |
344 | Scene Dock Theatre (SCD) |
345 | Schoenfeld Symphonic Hall (AES) |
346 | School of Cinematic Arts - SCA |
347 | School of Cinematic Arts - SCB |
348 | School of Cinematic Arts - SCC |
349 | School of Cinematic Arts - SCE |
350 | School of Cinematic Arts - SCI |
351 | School of Cinematic Arts - SCX |
352 | Science & Engineering Library (SSL) |
353 | Seaver Residence Hall (SRH) |
354 | Seaver Science Center (SSC) |
355 | Security Pacific Plaza |
356 | Seeds Marketplace (TCC) |
357 | Seeley G. Mudd Building (SGM) |
358 | Senator Apartments (SNA) |
359 | Seven Gables Apartments (SGA) |
360 | Severance Street Apartments (SSA) |
361 | Severance Street House (SSH) |
362 | Shrine Auditorium (SHR) |
363 | Shumway Fountain |
364 | Simon Ramo Recital Hall (BMH 100) |
365 | Social Sciences Building (SOS) |
366 | Social Work Center (SWC) |
367 | Soto Street Building (SSB) |
368 | Soto Street Building Annex (SBA) |
369 | Soto Street Building II |
370 | Stabler Hall (LJS) |
371 | Stardust Apartments (SAI) |
372 | Stauffer Hall (SHS) |
373 | Stauffer Science Lecture Hall (SLH) |
374 | Steven and Kathryn Sample Hall (SKS) |
375 | Stevens Hall for Neuroimaging (SHN) |
376 | Stever Courtyard |
377 | Stonier Hall (STO) |
378 | Storm and Dunmoyer's Green |
379 | Student Health Insurance Office (ESH) |
380 | Student Union (STU) |
381 | Sunset Apartments (SUN) |
382 | Taper Hall (THH) |
383 | Technical Theatre Laboratory (TTL) |
384 | Temporary Research Facility (TRF) |
385 | Tennis Courts |
386 | Terrace Apartments (TSA) |
387 | The Bungalows (BUN) |
388 | The Lab Gastropub |
389 | The Music Complex (TMC) |
390 | The Place on Shrine |
391 | Theatre Scene Shop (TSS) |
392 | Tommy Trojan |
393 | Tommy's Place (TCC) |
394 | Tower Hall (TOW) |
395 | Town and Gown (TGF) |
396 | Traditions Bar and Grill (TCC) |
397 | Trojan Bookstore (HSC) (SRH) |
398 | Trojan Column |
399 | Trojan Grounds |
400 | Trojan League Courtyard |
401 | Troy East (TRE) |
402 | Troy Hall (TRH) |
403 | Troyland Apartments (TAP) |
404 | Tuscany Apartments (TUS) |
405 | Tutor Hall (RTH) |
406 | Tutor Hall Cafe (RTH) |
407 | Twin Palms Apartments (TPA) |
408 | Tyler Building (TYL) |
409 | University Club (KSH) |
410 | University Gardens Building (UGB) |
411 | University Gardens Child Development Center (CBG) |
412 | University Gateway (UGW) |
413 | University Regent Apartments (URA) |
414 | University Religious Center (URC) |
415 | University Residence Hall (URH) |
416 | URBNMRKT (CAL) |
417 | USC Bookstore (BKS) |
418 | USC Caruso Catholic Center |
419 | USC Community House (FMH) |
420 | USC Credit Union - Flower St. (CUB) |
421 | USC Early Childhood Program |
422 | USC Facilities Planning and Management (FPM) |
423 | USC Fisher Museum of Art (HAR) |
424 | USC Gould School of Law |
425 | USC Health Sciences Conference Center |
426 | USC Hotel (RMH) |
427 | USC International Academy |
428 | USC Kidney Center (TRC) |
429 | USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center (NOR) |
430 | USC Norris Patient Valet Lot (Entrance) (P9) |
431 | USC Tower Building One (SCO) |
432 | USC Tower Building Two (SCT) |
433 | USC Transportation (PSX) |
434 | USC Village Dining Hall |
435 | USC Village Fitness Center |
436 | USCard Customer Service Office (PSX) |
437 | UV One |
438 | Uytengsu Aquatics Center (UAC) |
439 | Verle Annis Gallery (HAR) |
440 | Verona |
441 | Villa Esperanza Center (VEC) |
442 | Virginia Ramo Hall of Music (RHM) |
443 | Vista Apartments (VIS) |
444 | Vivian Hall (VHE) |
445 | Waite Phillips Hall (WPH) |
446 | Wallis Annenberg Hall (ANN) |
447 | Watt Hall (WAH) |
448 | Webb Tower (WTO) |
449 | Willametta Keck Day Healthcare Center (HC2) |
450 | Wilson Dental Library (DEN) |
451 | Windsor Apartments (WIN) |
452 | Wong Conference Center (HAR) |
453 | Youth Triumphant (Prentiss Memorial Fountain) |
454 | Zamperini Plaza |
455 | Zaro Family Songwriters Theater (TMC) |
456 | Zemeckis Center for Digital Arts (RZC) |
457 | Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute (ZNI) |
458 | Zumberge Hall (ZHS) |