Parking Lot - Parkview Lot (P7) at USC

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1125th Anniversary Fountain
23434 S. Grand Building (CAL)
3Accounting Library (ACC Room 105)
4Admission Center
5Ahmanson Center (ACB)
6Ahn House (AHN)
7Allyson Felix Field
8Alpha Gamma Omega
9Alumni House (ALM)
10Alumni Park
11Alumni Plaza
12Amelia Taper Garden
13American Button Manufacturing Building (ABM)
14Andrus Gerontology Center (GER)
15Anna Bing Arnold Child Care Center (ABA)
16Anna Bing Arnold Child Care Center Annex (ABX)
17Annenberg Auditorium (ASC)
18Annenberg House (ANH)
19Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism (ASC)
20Architecture and Fine Arts Library
21Aresty Conference Center (NRT)
22Argue Plaza
23Argue Plaza Fountain
24Associates Park
25Basketball Courts
26Bel-Air Apartments (BAA)
27Biegler Hall (BHE)
28Bing Theatre (BIT)
29Birnkrant Residential College (BSR)
30Bishop Medical Teaching and Research Building (BMT)
31Blacklist Art Installation
32Bogardus Courtyard
33Bohnett Residential College (NBC)
34Booth Hall (BMH)
35Bovard Administration Building (ADM)
36Bovard Auditorium (ADM)
37Brain and Creativity Institute (BCI)
38Brian Kennedy Field
39Bridge Hall (BRI)
40Brittingham Intramural Field (BIM)
41Broad CIRM Center (BCC)
42Brooks Pavilion (BDF)
43Cafe 84 (KOH)
44Cafe Annenberg (ANN)
45Cale Residential College (CIC)
46California Plaza (CPB)
47California Science Center
48Cammilleri Hall
49Campus Development and Facilities Management (CDF)
50Cancer Research Laboratory (CRL)
51Cardinal 'n' Gold
52Cardinal Gardens (CAR)
53Carolyn Craig Franklin Library Garden Courtyard
54Carson Center (CTV)
55Carson Soundstage (CTV 136)
56Centennial Apartments (CEN)
57Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CAM)
58Center for the Health Professions (CHP)
59Century Apartments (CAP)
60Chabad at USC
61Chez Ronnee (CHE)
62Childs Way East Entrance
63Childs Way West Entrance
64Cinema Figueroa Building
65Cinematic Arts Library
66Cinematic Arts Station (SCS)
67CitiGroup Center (CGC)
68Clinical Administration Building (CLB)
69Clinical Sciences Annex (CSA)
70Clinical Sciences Building (CSC)
71Clinical Sciences Parking Lot (L17)
72Colich Track and Field Center (CTF)
73College Academic Services Building (CAS)
74College House (CLH)
75College Residence Hall (COL)
76Corsica (COR)
77Cowlings Residential College (CRC)
78Crocker Plaza
79Currie Hall
80Currie Hall Phase 2 (CHD)
81Dauterive Hall (VPD)
82Davidson Continuing Education Center (DCC)
83Dedeaux Field (BDF)
84Denney Research Center (DRB)
85Department of Public Safety (PSA)
86Doheny Memorial Library (DML)
87Doheny Vision Research Center (Closed) (DOH)
88Dornsife Cognitive Neuroscience Imaging Center (DNI)
89Douglas Fairbanks Statue and Fountain
90Dr. Joseph Medicine Crow Center (DMC)
91Dramatic Arts Building (DAB)
92E. F. Hutton Park
93East Library Building (ELB)
94Eastlake Lot (L31)
95Edmondson Faculty Center (EFC)
96Egg Company (EGG)
97Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis Center (CEM)
98Elisabeth Von KleinSmid Memorial Residence Hall (EVK)
99Engemann Student Health Center (ESH)
100Enrollment Services (JHH)
101Epstein Family Plaza
102Everybody's Kitchen (EVK)
103Exposition Park
104Facilities Management Services (FMS)
105Facilities Trailer One
106Fagg Gardens
107Fairmont Apartments (FMT)
108Fertitta Hall (JFF)
109Figueroa Building (FIG)
110Flower Street Parking Structure (PSO / Parking Structure One)
111Founders Apartments (FSA)
112Founders Park
113Froehlich Gateway and Grove
114Gabilan Courtyard
115Galen Center (GEC)
116Garden Plaza
117Gaughan & Tiberti Library (JFF 1st Floor)
118Gavin Herbert Plaza
119General Labs Building (GLB)
120Generations Art Installation
121George Tirebiter
122Gerontology Library (GER)
123Ginsburg Hall
124Golf Practice Facility (GPC)
125Grace Ford Salvatori Hall (GFS)
126Graduate Fine Arts Building (IFT)
127Grand Avenue Library (CAL)
128Great Lawn
129Habitat Soozee (HAS)
130Hahn Plaza
131Hall Building (HSH)
132Hancock Foundation Building (AHF)
133Hancock Memorial Museum (AHF)
134Harlyne J. Norris Cancer Research Tower (NRT)
135Harris Hall (HAR)
136Health Research Association (HRA)
137Health Sciences Campus Child Care Center (CCC)
138Health Sciences DWP Electrical Vault (EVH)
139Healthcare Center 1 (HC1)
140Healthcare Center 4 (HC4)
141Hebrew Union College (HUC)
142Hedco Chemical Engineering (HED)
143Hedco Neurosciences Building (HNB)
144Helena Apartments (HAP)
145Henry Thomas Hazard Park
146Heritage Hall (HER)
147Herklotz Courtyard
148Hillel Jewish Center
149Hillview Apartments (HIL)
150Hinderstein Garden
151Hoffman Hall (HOH)
152Hoffman Medical Research Center (HMR)
153Hoose Library of Philosophy (MHP)
154Housing Services (PSX)
155Howard Jones Field
156Hubbard Hall (JHH)
157Hughes Aircraft Electrical Engineering Center (EEB)
158Hyatt House Hotel (HHH)
159Illium Residential College (CRC)
160International Plaza
161International Residential College at Parkside (IRC)
162Interns and Residents Dormitory (IRD)
163Iovine and Young Hall (IYH)
164Irani Hall (RRI)
165Irani Residential College
166Jaques Plaza
167Jefferson Building (JEF)
168John McKay Center (JMC)
169John Stauffer Pharmaceutical Sciences Center (PSC)
170John Williams Scoring Stage (JWS)
171Joint Educational Project House (JEP)
172Kaprielian Hall (KAP)
173Kaufman International Dance Center (KDC)
174Keck Cafeteria (KH)
175Keck Hospital of USC (KH)
176Keck Hospital of USC Norris Tower (UHT)
177Keck Hospital Valet Parking (VP)
178Keith Administration Building (KAM)
179Kennedy Plaza
180Kerckhoff Carriage House (KCH)
181Kerckhoff Hall (KER)
182King Hall (KOH)
183King Hall Computer Center (KOH Room 206)
184King Stoops Hall (KSH)
185Korean American Museum
186KSCR Radio (TCC)
188La Sorbonne (LAB)
189LAC + USC Medical Center - General Hospital
190Law Library (LAW)
191Law School Cafe (LAW)
192Lazzaro Plaza
193Leavey Information Commons (LVL)
194Leavey Library (LVL)
195Leavey Library Reflecting Pool
196Leventhal School of Accounting (ACC)
197Lewis Hall (RGL)
198Lindhurst Architecture Gallery (WAH)
199Lindhurst Fine Arts Gallery (WAH)
200LIPA Library (Library for International & Public Affairs)
201LiteraTea Teahouse (DML)
202Little Chapel of Silence (TGF)
203Little Galen (GAP)
204Livingston Research Annex (LRA)
205Livingston Research Building (LRB)
206Loker Hydrocarbon Research Institute (LHI)
207Loker Track Stadium (LTS)
208Los Angeles General Medical Center (LA General)
209Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum
210Lyon Center (LRC)
211MacDonald Becket Center (MBC)
212MacDonald Recital Hall (MUS)
213Mail Stop (PSX)
214Manor Apartments (MAB)
215Mardette Apartments
216Marks Tennis Stadium (MTX)
217Marks Tower (DMT)
218Martens Plaza
219Max Kade House (GEX)
220May Ormerod Harris Residence Hall (HRH)
221Mayer Auditorium
222McAlister Academic Resource Center (MAR)
223McAlister Soccer Field (See Rawlinson Stadium)
224McCarthy Honors Residential College (MHC)
225McCarthy Quad
226McCarthy Way Parking Structure (PSX / Parking Structure X)
227McClintock Building and Theatre (MCC)
228McClintock Lawn
229McCulloch Townhomes (MCT)
230McKay's (RMH)
231McKibben Addition (MCA)
232McKibben Hall (MCH)
233McMorrow Residential College (MRC)
234Medical Oncology Lab (MOL)
235Merle Norman Stadium
236Meyer Plaza
237Michelson Hall (MCB)
238Montgomery Ross Fisher Building (MRF)
239Moreton Fig (TCC)
240Moulton Organic Chemistry Wing (OCW)
241Moving Image Archive (NCT)
242Mudd Hall (MHP)
243Mudd Hall of Philosophy Courtyard
244Mudd Memorial Research Building (MMR)
245Musick Law Building (LAW)
246Natural History Museum (NHM)
247Nazarian Pavilion (DML)
248Neely Petroleum Engineering (PCE)
249Nemirovsky Residential College (NBC)
250New North Residential College (NRC)
251Newman Recital Hall (AHF)
252Nisei Rock Garden
253Noble Plaza
254Norman Topping Tower (NTT)
255Norris Cinema Theatre (NCT)
256Norris Dental Science Center (DEN)
257Norris Healthcare Center (HC3)
258Norris Medical Library (NML)
259Ogasawara Plaza
260Old Entrance Fountain
261Olin Hall (OHE)
262ONE Archives
263Ostrow Faculty Practice (ESH)
264Outpatient Department (OPD)
265Pacific Apartments (PCA)
266Panda Express (TCC)
267Pappas Quad
268Pardee Lawn
269Pardee Plaza
270Pardee Tower (PTD)
271Parking Lot - Biggy Street Parking Structure (P8)
272Parking Lot - Consolidated Lot (L21)
273Parking Lot - Downey Way Parking Structure (PSA / Parking Structure A)
274Parking Lot - Figueroa Street Parking Structure (PS2 / Parking Structure Two)
275Parking Lot - Grand Avenue Parking Structure (UPX)
276Parking Lot - Healthcare Center 4 Parking Garage (HC4)
277Parking Lot - HSC Lot 70 (L33)
278Parking Lot - HSC Lot 71 (P10)
279Parking Lot - Jefferson Boulevard Parking Structure (PSB / Parking Structure B)
280Parking Lot - Keck Hospital Parking Structure (P6)
281Parking Lot - Norfolk Lot (L25)
282Parking Lot - O'Neil Lot
283Parking Lot - Parkview Lot (P7)
284Parking Lot - Royal Street Parking Structure (PSD / Parking Structure D)
285Parking Lot - San Pablo Parking Structure (SPS P1)
286Parking Lot - Shrine Parking Structure
287Parking Lot - Soto Lot (L39)
288Parking Lot - USC Village Garage
289Parking Lot - Valley Lot (L41)
290Parking Lot - Wilametta Keck Day Healthcare Parking (HC2 P4)
291Parking Lot 1 (PL1)
292Parking Lot 20 (Alpha Gamma Omega)
293Parking Lot 21
294Parking Lot 23 (College House) (PL23)
295Parking Lot 27
296Parking Lot 28
297Parking Lot 29A
298Parking Lot 29B
299Parking Lot 33
300Parking Lot 41 (CNG)
301Parking Lot 42 (Cardinal Gardens) (CAR)
302Parking Lot 43 (Cardinal Gardens) (CAR)
303Parking Lot 45 (Centennial Apartments) (CEN)
304Parking Lot 49 (Century Apartments) (CAP)
305Parking Lot 58 (Annenberg House) (ANH)
306Parking Lot 65 (Senator Apartments) (SNA)
307Parking Lot 66 (Seven Gables Apartments) (SGA)
308Parking Lot 67 (Severance Street Apartments)
309Parking Lot 77 (Windsor Apartments) (WIN)
310Parking Lot 81 (Terrace Apartments) (TSA)
311Parking Lot B (PLB)
312Parking Lot C (Credit Union Building)
313Parking Lot SSRI (PLSSRI)
314Parking Lot V (PLV / Parking Lot 5)
315Parking Lot Z (Robert Zemeckis Center)
316Parkside Apartments (PKS)
317Parkside Arts and Humanities Residential College (PRB)
318Parkside Dining Hall
319Phinney Hall (PHH)
320Physical Education Building (PED)
321Pisa (PIA)
322Popovich Cafe (JKP)
323Popovich Hall (JKP)
324Popovich Hall Courtyard
325Powell Hall (PHE)
326Queens Courtyard
327Rainbow Cafe (Basement Floor)
328Ramer Plaza
329Rand Schrader Outpatient Clinic (RSC)
330Rapp Engineering Building (RRB)
331Raubenheimer Music Building (MUS)
332Rawlinson Stadium
333Ray Stark Family Theatre (SCA)
334Regal Rita Apartments
335Regal Trojan Apartments (RTA)
336Regent Apartments (RGA)
337Research Annex / Hoffman Contracts Research Building (RAN)
338Richard K. Eamer Medical Plaza (EMP)
339Robert Wood Plaza
340Roma (ROM)
341Ronald Tutor Campus Center (TCC)
342Rosso's Pizzeria
343Salvatori Computer Science Center (SAL)
344Scene Dock Theatre (SCD)
345Schoenfeld Symphonic Hall (AES)
346School of Cinematic Arts - SCA
347School of Cinematic Arts - SCB
348School of Cinematic Arts - SCC
349School of Cinematic Arts - SCE
350School of Cinematic Arts - SCI
351School of Cinematic Arts - SCX
352Science & Engineering Library (SSL)
353Seaver Residence Hall (SRH)
354Seaver Science Center (SSC)
355Security Pacific Plaza
356Seeds Marketplace (TCC)
357Seeley G. Mudd Building (SGM)
358Senator Apartments (SNA)
359Seven Gables Apartments (SGA)
360Severance Street Apartments (SSA)
361Severance Street House (SSH)
362Shrine Auditorium (SHR)
363Shumway Fountain
364Simon Ramo Recital Hall (BMH 100)
365Social Sciences Building (SOS)
366Social Work Center (SWC)
367Soto Street Building (SSB)
368Soto Street Building Annex (SBA)
369Soto Street Building II
370Stabler Hall (LJS)
371Stardust Apartments (SAI)
372Stauffer Hall (SHS)
373Stauffer Science Lecture Hall (SLH)
374Steven and Kathryn Sample Hall (SKS)
375Stevens Hall for Neuroimaging (SHN)
376Stever Courtyard
377Stonier Hall (STO)
378Storm and Dunmoyer's Green
379Student Health Insurance Office (ESH)
380Student Union (STU)
381Sunset Apartments (SUN)
382Taper Hall (THH)
383Technical Theatre Laboratory (TTL)
384Temporary Research Facility (TRF)
385Tennis Courts
386Terrace Apartments (TSA)
387The Bungalows (BUN)
388The Lab Gastropub
389The Music Complex (TMC)
390The Place on Shrine
391Theatre Scene Shop (TSS)
392Tommy Trojan
393Tommy's Place (TCC)
394Tower Hall (TOW)
395Town and Gown (TGF)
396Traditions Bar and Grill (TCC)
397Trojan Bookstore (HSC) (SRH)
398Trojan Column
399Trojan Grounds
400Trojan League Courtyard
401Troy East (TRE)
402Troy Hall (TRH)
403Troyland Apartments (TAP)
404Tuscany Apartments (TUS)
405Tutor Hall (RTH)
406Tutor Hall Cafe (RTH)
407Twin Palms Apartments (TPA)
408Tyler Building (TYL)
409University Club (KSH)
410University Gardens Building (UGB)
411University Gardens Child Development Center (CBG)
412University Gateway (UGW)
413University Regent Apartments (URA)
414University Religious Center (URC)
415University Residence Hall (URH)
417USC Bookstore (BKS)
418USC Caruso Catholic Center
419USC Community House (FMH)
420USC Credit Union - Flower St. (CUB)
421USC Early Childhood Program
422USC Facilities Planning and Management (FPM)
423USC Fisher Museum of Art (HAR)
424USC Gould School of Law
425USC Health Sciences Conference Center
426USC Hotel (RMH)
427USC International Academy
428USC Kidney Center (TRC)
429USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center (NOR)
430USC Norris Patient Valet Lot (Entrance) (P9)
431USC Tower Building One (SCO)
432USC Tower Building Two (SCT)
433USC Transportation (PSX)
434USC Village Dining Hall
435USC Village Fitness Center
436USCard Customer Service Office (PSX)
437UV One
438Uytengsu Aquatics Center (UAC)
439Verle Annis Gallery (HAR)
441Villa Esperanza Center (VEC)
442Virginia Ramo Hall of Music (RHM)
443Vista Apartments (VIS)
444Vivian Hall (VHE)
445Waite Phillips Hall (WPH)
446Wallis Annenberg Hall (ANN)
447Watt Hall (WAH)
448Webb Tower (WTO)
449Willametta Keck Day Healthcare Center (HC2)
450Wilson Dental Library (DEN)
451Windsor Apartments (WIN)
452Wong Conference Center (HAR)
453Youth Triumphant (Prentiss Memorial Fountain)
454Zamperini Plaza
455Zaro Family Songwriters Theater (TMC)
456Zemeckis Center for Digital Arts (RZC)
457Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute (ZNI)
458Zumberge Hall (ZHS)

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