Beauford H. Jester Center (JES) at UT Austin

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12609 University Avenue (UA9)
22617 Speedway (SW7)
3Academic Annex (ACA)
4Almetris Duren Residence Hall (ADH)
5Andrews Dormitory (AND)
6Animal Resources Center (ARC)
7Anna Hiss Gymnasium (AHG)
8Arno Nowotny Building (ANB)
9Art Building (ART)
10AT&T Executive Education & Conf Ctr (ATT)
11Athletics Field Pavilion (AFP)
12Battle Hall (BTL)
13Batts Hall (BAT)
14Beauford H. Jester Center (JES)
15Belo Center for New Media (BMC)
16Benedict Hall (BEN)
17Bernard & Audre Rapoport Building (BRB)
18Biological Greenhouse (BOT)
19Biological Laboratory (BIO)
20Biomedical Engineering Building (BME)
21Blanton Dormitory (BLD)
22Blanton Museum of Art (BMA)
23Brackenridge Hall Dormitory (BHD)
24Bridgeway Building (BWY)
25Burdine Hall (BUR)
26Butler School of Music (MRH)
27Calhoun Hall (CAL)
28Carothers Dormitory (CRD)
29Caven Lacrosse & Sports Center at Clark Field (CCF)
30Central Receiving Building (CRB)
31Chemical & Petroleum Engineering (CPE)
32Child Development Center (CML)
33Chilling Station No. 3 (CS3)
34Chilling Station No. 4 (CS4)
35Chilling Station No. 5 (CS5)
36Chilling Station No. 6 (CS6)
37Collections Deposit Library (CDL)
38Comal Child Development Ctr Annex (CDA)
39Compactor Bldg. (CPB)
40Computation Center (COM)
41Computer Science Annex (CSA)
42Continuing Engineering Education (CEE)
43Creekside Residence Hall (CRH)
44Denton A. Cooley Pavilion (DCP)
45Development Office Building (DEV)
46DKR-Texas Memorial Stadium (STD)
47Dorothy L. Gebauer Building (GEB)
48E. William Doty Fine Arts Building (DFA)
49E.P. Schoch Building (EPS)
50Edgar A. Smith Building (EAS)
51Engineering Science Building (ENS)
52Engineering Teaching Center (ETC)
53Ernest Cockrell Jr. Hall (ECJ)
54Erwin Special Events Center (ERC)
55Etter-Harbin Alumni Center (UTX)
56F. Loren Winship Drama Building (WIN)
57Facilities Services Complex (FC)
58Facilities Services Complex 1 (FC1)
59Facilities Services Complex 2 (FC2)
60Facilities Services Complex 3 (FC3)
61Facilities Services Complex 4 (FC4)
62Facilities Services Complex 5 (FC5)
63Facilities Services Complex 6 (FC6)
64Facilities Services Complex 7 (FC7)
65Facilities Services Complex 8 (FC8)
66Frank Denius Fields (FDF)
67Garrison Hall (GAR)
68Gates Dell Complex (GDC)
69Geography Building (GRG)
70George I. Sanchez Building (SZB)
71Goldsmith Hall (GOL)
72Graduate School of Business (GSB)
73Gregory Gymnasium (GRE)
74Hal C. Weaver Power Plant (PPL)
75Hal C. Weaver Power Plant Annex (PPA)
76Hal C. Weaver Power Plant Expansion (PPE)
77Harris Substation (HSS)
78Harry Ransom Center (HRC)
79Hogg Memorial Auditorium (HMA)
80Homer Rainey Hall (HRH)
81Indoor Practice Facility (IPF)
82J. Frank Dobie House (FDH)
83J.T. Patterson Laboratories Building (PAT)
84Jackson Geological Sciences Bldg (JGB)
85Jamail Texas Swimming Center (TSC)
86Jesse H. Jones Communication Ctr (CMB)
87Jesse H. Jones Hall (JON)
88Jester Dormitory (JCD)
89Joe C. Thompson Conference Center (TCC)
90John B. Connally Center for Justice (JJC)
91John W. Hargis Hall (JHH)
92Kinsolving Dormitory (KIN)
93L. Theo Bellmont Hall (BEL)
94Laboratory Theatre Building (LTH)
95Larry Faulkner Nano Science & Tech Bldg. (FNT)
96Liberal Arts Building (CLA)
97Littlefield Carriage House (LCH)
98Littlefield Dormitory (LTD)
99Littlefield Home (LFH)
100Living Learning Centers (LL)
101Living Learning Centers A (LLA)
102Living Learning Centers B (LLB)
103Living Learning Centers C (LLC)
104Living Learning Centers D (LLD)
105Living Learning Centers E (LLE)
106Living Learning Centers F (LLF)
107Longhorn Dining Facility (LDH)
108Lyndon B. Johnson Library (LBJ)
109Mail Services Building (MSB)
110Main Building (MAI)
111Mary E. Gearing Hall (GEA)
112McCombs School of Business (CBA)
113Mezes Hall (MEZ)
114Mike Myers Track & Soccer Stadium (MMS)
115Mithoff Track/Soccer Field House (MFH)
116Moffett Molecular Biology Building (MBB)
117Moncrief-Neuhaus Athletic Center (MNC)
118Moore-Hill Dormitory (MHD)
119Neural & Molecular Science Building (NMS)
120Norman Hackerman Building (NHB)
121North End Zone Building (NEZ)
122North Office Building (NOA)
123Nursing School (NUR)
124O'Donnell Bldg for Applied Computational Engineering & Sciences (ACE)
125OFPC Field Staff Office (FPC)
126Parlin Hall (PAR)
127Penick-Allison Tennis Center (TTC)
128Performing Arts Center (PAC)
129Perry-Castaneda Library (PCL)
130Peter Flawn Academic Center (FAC)
131Pharmacy Building (PHR)
132Prather Hall Dormitory (PHD)
133Printing & Press Building (PPB)
134Recreational Sports Center (RSC)
135Red & Charline McCombs Field (SBS)
136Robert A. Welch Hall (WEL)
137Robert Lee Moore Hall (RLM))
138Roberts Hall Dormitory (RHD)
139San Jacinto Residence Hall (SJH)
140Sarah M. & Charles E. Seay Building (SEA)
141School of Social Work Building (SSW)
142Service Building (SER)
143Sid Richardson Hall (SRH)
144Student Activity Center (SAC)
145Student Services Building (SSB)
146Sutton Hall (SUT)
147T.S. Painter Hall (PAI)
148Texas Memorial Museum (TMM)
149Townes Hall (TNH)
150UFCU Disch-Falk Field (DFF)
151Union Building (UNB)
152University Interscholastic League (UIL)
153University Police Building (UPB)
154University Sign Shop (USS)
155University Teaching Center (UTC)
156UT Administration Building (UTA)
157W. R. Woolrich Laboratory (WRW)
158Waggener Hall (WAG)
159Walter Webb Hall (WWH)
160West Mall Office Building (WMB)
161Will C. Hogg Building (WCH)
162William Randolph Hearst Bldg (HSM)

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