Nursing Faculty Offices (1st Floor) (NFO) at UT

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1813 Building
2Alfred and Beverly Austin Hall (AUST)
3Aquatic Center
4Art Center-Saunders (AD)
5Art Gallery-Scarfone / Hartley
6Art Studios - R.K. Bailey (BAS)
7Athletic and Intramural Complex- Naimoli Family
8Athletic Offices / Classrooms
9Athletics Center - Bob Martinez (MAC)
10Baseball Field - Sam Bailey
11Boathouse - McNeel
12Book Arts Studio
13Bookstore - Barnes & Noble
14Brevard Hall (BREV)
15Campus Safety
16Cass Building (CB)
17Central Receiving
18Chiller Plant (CP)
19College of Arts and Letters - 2nd Floor
20College of Business - Sykes (JS)
21College of Natural and Health Sciences (2nd Floor)
22College of Social Sciences, Mathematics and Education (2nd Floor) (CA)
23Communication Annex (Faculty Offices) (CA)
24Computer Center - Robert A. Jaeb (CC)
25Conference Facilities - Vaughn Center (9th Floor) (CHIS)
26Conference Room - Alumni
27Conference Room - Chiselers (2nd Floor)
28Crescent Club (CRES)
29David A. Straz Jr. Hall
30Dining Facilities - Frank and Carol Morsani Hall
31Dining Facilities - Vaughn Center (DHVC)
32East Walker Hall (EW)
33Edison Building (ED)
34Fitness Center - McNiff (MCNF)
35Fletcher Lounge - Plant Hall (FLET)
36Frank and Carol Morsani Hall (MOR)
37Frank P. Urso, M.D. Hall
38Gatehouse (GH)
39Graduate and Continuing Studies
40Grand Salon - Plant Hall (GRSA)
41Health and Wellness Center - Stephen F. and Marsha Dickey (HC)
42Health Sciences and Human Performance Building (HSHP)
43Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel
44Information Technology Annex (ITA)
45Intramural Field (IF)
46Krusen Building (KRS)
47Leadership Development Course
48Library - Macdonald-Kelce (LIB)
49Little School House
50MacKechnie Building (MKE)
51McKay Hall (MCKA)
52Museum - Henry B. Plant (MUS)
53Music Center - Ferman (MD)
54Music Room - Plant Hall (MUSE)
55North Boulevard Annex (NBA)
56North Walker Hall - Academic Success Center (NW)
57Nursing Faculty Offices (1st Floor) (NFO)
58Plant Hall - Academic and Administrative Building (PH)
59Post Office (POST)
60President's Conference Room
61Registrar's Office
62Residence Com (RC)
63Riverside Center (RIVC])
64ROTC and Athletics Building- General Peter J. Schoomaker (SCHO)
65Science Annexx (SA)
66Smiley Hall (SMIL)
67Snack Bar / Rathskeller- Ground Floor
68Softball Complex - Naimoli Famil (WSF)
69Stadium - Art and Polly Pepin (PS)
70Sword & Shield Room
71Sykes Chapel and Center for Faith and Values (SCFV)
72Tennis Complex - Naimoli and Young Family (TC)
73Theater - Allen N. Reeves (2nd Floor)
74Theater - David Falk
75Thompson Building (TB)
76Track (TK)
77Trustees Board Room (TRST)
78Vaughn Center (VC)
79Walker Hall and Lecture Halls (WH)
80West Kennedy Hall (WKH)

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