Claude Moore Health Sciences Library (Health System) at UVA

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1(RBT) (RSH) Robertson Hall and Rouss Hall (McIntire School of Commerce)
2(RSH) (RBT) Rouss Hall and Robertson Hall (McIntire School of Commerce)
31 Dawson's Row
4104 Emmet Street (School of Architecture Annex)
5108 Cresap Road
61107 West Main Street
71111 West Main Street (U.Va. Medical Alumni Association) (Health System)
81222 Jefferson Park Avenue (Health System)
9132 Emmet Street
101512 Jefferson Park Avenue (Music House)
111939 Ivy Road (Institutional Assessment and Studies)
122 Dawson's Row (W.E.B. DuBois Tutorial Center)
13203 Rugby Road
142400 Old Ivy Road
153 Dawson's Row (Luther P. Jackson Cultural Center)
16310 Old Ivy Way
17350 Old Ivy Way
184 Dawson's Row (Office of African-American Affairs)
19914 Emmet Street (Michie Building South)
20918 Emmet Street (Michie Building North)
21Abbott Center (Darden School)
22Academical Village
23Aerospace Research Laboratory
24Albert H. Small Building
25Alden House (Observatory House
27Alderman Library (ALD)
28Alderman Road Residence Area (Student Residences)
29Alumni Hall
30Aquatic and Fitness Center (AQC)
31Arena Parking
32Artificial Turf Field
33Astronomy Building (AST)
34Aurbach Medical Research Building (450 Ray C. Hunt Drive)
35Barringer Wing (Health System)
36Bavaro Hall
37Bemiss House (University Press)
38Bice House (Student Residences)
39Biology Greenhouse
40Birdwood Clubhouse and Golf Course (BGC)
41Birdwood Pavilion
42Birdwood Residences
43Blake Center (1224 W. Main Street) (Health System)
44Booker House (Provost's Office)
45Brooks Hall (BRK)
46Brown College at Monroe Hill (Student Residences) (BRO)
47Bryan Hall (BRY)
48Bryant Hall at Scott Stadium (BRY)
49Buckingham Palace
50C. Ray Smith Alumni Hall (Darden School)
51Campbell Hall (School of Architecture) (CAM)
52Carl Smith Center, Home of David A. Harrison III Field at Scott Stadium
53Carr's Hill (President's House)
54Carr's Hill Field
55Carruthers Hall
56Carter Harrison Research Building (MR-6)
57Casa Bolivar (Spanish House) (Student Residences)
58Cemetery (University Cemetery)
59Central Grounds Parking Garage (Visitor Parking)
60CFA Institute Building (560 Ray C. Hunt Drive)
61Chemical Engineering Research Building (CHE)
62Chemistry Building (CHM)
63Child Development Centers
64Clark Hall (CLK)
65Claude Moore Health Sciences Library (Health System)
66Claude Moore Nursing Education Building (Health System) (CMN)
67Clay Hall and Caplin Pavilion
68Clemons Library (CLM)
69Cobb Hall (Health System) (COB)
70Cocke Hall (COC)
71Copeley Field
72Copeley Hill Apartments (Family Housing)
73Copeley Hill Residence Area (Student Residences)
74Corner Building (Teen Health Center/Women's Center)
75Culbreth Road Garage
76Culbreth Road Parking Garage
77Darden School of Business (GSB)
78Darden School Parking Garage (GSB)
79Davenport Field at the U.Va. Baseball Stadium
80Davis Laboratory (Hospital West, 2nd Floor) (DVS)
81Dawson's Row (DR)
82Dell 1
83Dell 2
84Dell Basketball Courts
85Drama Building (Culbreth and Helms Theatres) (DRM)
86Dynamics Building (2015 Ivy Road)
87Elson Student Health Center
88Emergency Room (University Hospital)
89Emmet/Ivy Parking Garage
90Faulkner Complex (Student Residences)
91Faulkner Residences (Faculty/Staff Housing)
92Fayerweather Hall (FHL)
93Fiske Kimball Fine Arts Library
94Fontaine Medical Office Building 1 (415 Ray C. Hunt Drive)
95Fontaine Medical Office Building 2 (545 Ray C. Hunt Drive)
96Fontaine Research Park
97Fontana Food Center
98Future site of Emily Couric Clinical Cancer Center
99Garrett Hall
100Gibson Hall (GIB)
101Gilmer Hall (GIL)
102Halsey Hall (HAL)
103Harrison Institute and Small Special Collections Library
104Health Services Foundation (500 Ray C. Hunt Drive)
105Hereford Residential College (Student Residences)
106High Energy Physics Laboratory
107Hospital Parking Garage East (Visitor Parking)
108Hospital Parking Garage South (Staff only)
109Hospital Parking Garage West (Visitor Parking)
110Hotel A (Academical Village)
111Hotel B (Washington Hall)
112Hotel C (Jefferson Hall)
113Hotel D (Academical Village) (HOD)
114Hotel E (Colonnade Club)
115Hotel F (Levering Hall)
116Hunton & Williams Hall
117International Residential College (Student Residences)
118Ivy Stacks
119Jefferson Scholars Foundation
120John Paul Jones Arena
121Jordan Hall (Health System) (JOR)
122Judge Advocate General's School (JAG)
123Kellogg House
124Kerchof Hall (KER)
125Kluge Children's Rehabilitation Center (KCRC) (Health System)
126Kluge Children's Rehabilitation Center Commonwealth Court (Health System)
127Klöckner Stadium
128La Maison Française (French House) (Student Residences)
129Lambeth Commons
130Lambeth Field
131Lambeth Field Residences Area (Student Residences)
132Lambeth House (LHO)
133Lannigan Field
134Law School (David A. Harrison III Law Grounds)
135Lawn, the
136Leake Building (Facilities Management)
137Leake Cottage
138Lee Street Parking Garage (Health System Visitor Parking)
139Lorna Sundberg International Center
140Mad Bowl
141Madison Bowl
142Madison Hall (President's Office)
143Madison House
144Materials Science Building (MSB)
145Maury Hall (MRY)
146McCormick Observatory (OBS)
147McCormick Road Residence Area (Student Residences)
148McCue III Center, Frank C.
149McIntire Amphitheatre
150McKim Hall (School of Medicine Administration)
151McLeod Hall (School of Nursing) (MCL)
152Mechanical Engineering (MEC)
153Medical Research - MR-4
154Medical Research - MR-5 (Biomedical Engineering and Medical Science Building)
155Medical Research - MR-6 (Carter Harrison Research Building)
156Medical Research Buildings
157Memorial Gymnasium (MGM)
158Miller Center of Public Affairs (Faulkner House)
159Minor Hall (MIN)
160Monroe Hall (MON)
161Monroe Hill House/Range (Faculty/Staff Housing) (MH3)
163Montesano (2333 Old Ivy Road)
164Morea (Faculty/Staff Housing)
165Moser Radiation Therapy Center (Health System)
166Nameless Field
167Nau Hall (NAU)
168New Cabell Hall (CAB)
169Newcomb Hall (Student Center) (NHL)
170North Grounds Recreation Center
171Northridge Building (Health System)
172Nuclear Reactor (REA)
173Nursing Education Building, Claude Moore (Health System)
174Nursing School Garage
175Nursing School Garage (under McLeod Hall)
177Observatory Hill Dining
178Old Cabell Hall (OCH)
179Old Medical School Building (Health System) (MED)
180Olsson Hall (OLS)
181Onesty Hall
182Outdoor Recreation Center
183Outpatients Clinics West (Health System)
184Parking and Transportation Services
185Parking Garage at Scott Stadium
186Pavilion I
187Pavilion II
188Pavilion III
189Pavilion IV
190Pavilion IX
191Pavilion V (PV5)
192Pavilion VI
193Pavilion VII (Colonnade Club)
194Pavilion VIII (PV8)
195Pavilion X
196Peabody Hall (Undergraduate Admission Office) (PBY)
197Perry-Fishburne Tennis Courts
198Peyton House
199Physics Building/Jesse Beams Laboratory (PHS)
200Piedmont Faculty Housing (Faculty/Staff Housing)
201Poe Alley (Office of Orientation and New Student Programs)
202Primary Care Center (Health System)
203Printing and Copying Services
204Randall Hall (RAN)
205Recycling Office (Stores Warehouse)
206Recycling Park
207Republic Plaza (Health System)
208Rice Hall (Computer Engineering and Computer Science)
210Ruffin Hall (RUF)
211Ruffner Hall (Curry School of Education) (RFN)
212Runk Hall
213Russian House (102 Cresap Road) (Student Residences)
214Saunders Hall (Darden School)
215Scott Stadium
216Scott Stadium Parking Garage
217Scott Stadium, Carl Smith Center, Home of David A. Harrison III Field at
218Shea House (Student Residences) (SHH)
219Shelbourne Hall (Virginia Transportation Research Council)
220Sheridan G. Snyder Translational Research Building
221Slaughter Recreation Center (REC)
222Snyder Tennis Center
223South Lawn Commons Building
224South, Hospital Parking Garage (Staff only)
225Special Materials Handling Facility/Environmental Health & Safety
226Sponsors - Executive Residence Center (Darden School)
227Stacey Hall (Health System) (STC)
228Stadium Road Residence Area (Student Residences)
229Stone Hall (National Radio Astronomy Observatory) (RAO)
230Stores Warehouse (Recycling Office)
231Student Activities Building
232Student Services Building (Darden School)
233Student-Faculty Center
234The AFC
235The Cage
236The Park (North Grounds)
237Thornton Hall (School of Engineering and Applied Science) (THN)
238Townside (U.Va. Prosthetics and Orthotics) (Health System)
239U.Va. Clinical Laboratory
240U.Va. Health South Rehabilitation Hospital (515 Ray C. Hunt Drive)
241U.Va. Outpatient Surgery Center (Health System)
242University Bookstore
243University Chapel
244University Gardens (Family Housing)
245University Hall
246University Hospital (Health System)
247University of Virginia Art Museum (Bayly Building) (BMU)
248University of Virginia Art Museum (proposed site)
249University Press Warehouse
250University Relations, Development (400 Ray C. Hunt Drive)
251University Visitor Center/University Police
252Varsity Hall
253Vyssotsky Cottage (Observatory House
254West Complex (Health System)
255West Parking Shelf at Scott Stadium
256Wilsdorf Hall
257Wilson Hall (WIL)
258Withers-Brown Hall (WSB)
259Zehmer Hall (School of Continuing and Professional Studies/Conference Center) (ZMR)
260Zehmer Hall Annex (ZMA)

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