Milgard School of Business (Dougan Building) at UW Tacoma

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1Academic Advising Center (Russell T. Joy Building)
2Academic Affairs (Garretson Woodruff Pratt Building)
3Academic Building (GWP-WCG) (ADMC)
4Admissions Advising (Mattress Factory)
5Advancement (Carlton Center)
6Alumni Relations (Carlton Center)
7Autism Center (Cherry Parkes Building)
8Birmingham Block Building (BB)
9Birmingham Hay & Seed Building (BHS)
10Book Store (Garretson Woodruff Pratt Building)
11Career Development and Education (Mattress Factory)
12Carlton Center (CAR)
13Carwein Auditorium (Keystone Building)
14Cashier (Mattress Factory)
15Chancellor (Garretson Woodruff Pratt Building)
16Cherry Parkes Building (CP)
17Communication Services (Carlton Center)
18Computer Labs (Walsh Gardner Building)
19Computer Services (Walsh Gardner Building)
20Conference Services (William W. Phillip Hall)
21Copy Center (Mattress Factory)
22Counseling Center (Mattress Factory)
23Court 17
24Disability Support Services (Mattress Factory)
25Diversity Resource Center (West Coast Grocery Building)
26Dougan Building (DOU)
27Education (West Coast Grocery Building)
28Enrollment Services (Garretson Woodruff Pratt Building)
29Equity and Diversity (Garretson Woodruff Pratt Building)
30Facilities Services (Mattress Factory)
31Finance Office (Mattress Factory)
32Financial Aid (Garretson Woodruff Pratt Building)
33Fitness Center (West Coast Grocery Building)
34Garretson Woodruff Pratt Building (GWP)
35Housing (Mattress Factory)
36Human Resources (Mattress Factory)
37Institute of Technology (PNK)
38Institutional Research and Planning (Garretson Woodruff Pratt Building)
39Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences (West Coast Grocery Building)
40International Programs (Garretson Woodruff Pratt Building)
41KeyBank Professional Development Center (Carlton Center)
42Keystone Building (KEY)
43Laborers Hall (LBH)
44Ledger (student newspaper) (Mattress Factory)
45Library (LIB)
46Library (Library)
47Longshoremen's Hall (LSH)
48Mailroom / Deliveries (Mattress Factory)
49Mattress Factory (MAT)
50McDonald Smith Building (MDS)
51Media Services (Mattress Factory)
52Milgard School of Business (Dougan Building)
53Multimedia Lab (Cherry Parkes Building)
54New Student Programs (Mattress Factory)
55Nursing (Cherry Parkes Building)
56Ombudsman (Carlton Center)
57Parent and Family Affairs (Mattress Factory)
58Pinkerton Building (PNK)
59Public Relations (Carlton Center)
60Recreation Center (Longshoremen's Hall)
61Registrar (Garretson Woodruff Pratt Building)
62Research Support (Garretson Woodruff Pratt Building)
63Russell T. Joy Building (JOY)
64Safety & Security (Dougan Building)
65Science Building (SCI)
66Social Work (West Coast Grocery Building)
67Student Activities Board (Mattress Factory)
68Student Affairs (Mattress Factory)
69Student Counseling Center (Mattress Factory)
70Student Government (ASUWT) (Mattress Factory)
71Student Health and Wellness (Mattress Factory)
72Student Health Services (clinic) (Laborer's Hall)
73Student Involvement (Mattress Factory)
74Student Services (Mattress Factory)
75Tacoma Room (Garretson Woodruff Pratt Building)
76Tahoma West (arts magazine) (Mattress Factory)
77Teaching and Learning Center (Keystone Building)
78Undergraduate Education (West Coast Grocery Building)
79Urban Studies (Garretson Woodruff Pratt Building)
80Veterans Affairs (Garretson Woodruff Pratt Building)
81Walsh Gardner Building (WG)
82West Coast Grocery Building (WCG)
83William W. Philip Hall (WPH)

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